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“Goodness, Ally,” Sophie said. “Is that all you think about?”

“Well?” Alexandra asked again.

“No, but he did ask me to call him by his Christian name. Isn’t Evan a lovely sounding name?”

“Yes, it is,” Sophie said. “Oh, look. There’s a little lake up ahead.”

“We’ve been talking so much that I haven’t been paying a bit of attention to the scenery,” Lily said. “But I love the idea of a lake. Maybe we can go wading.”

“Or swimming!” Alexandra said.

“Dear Ally,” Lily laughed. “I admit the idea intrigues me, but it’s only April. It’s a delightful afternoon, but the water will be cold. We’d likely freeze to death.”

“No harm in checking, is there?” Alexandra ran toward the lake. “Last one there has to kiss Wentworth!”

“Goodness, we’d better all hurry,” Lily said, giggling. “Trust me, you don’t want that fate.”

By the time they reached the lake, Alexandra had already kicked off her shoes and stockings and was pulling up her skirts and heading toward the water. She dipped her foot in. “You’re not going to believe this. It’s actually warm.”

What had appeared to be a small lake was actually a large pool, fed by a stream of water cascading from a jagged gray rock formation. Steam rose from the surface of the water, coiling upward in cloudy drifts. Lily hurriedly removed her shoes and stockings and dipped her foot in. “It is warm. How can that be, do you suppose?”

“Likely it’s an offshoot from the hot springs in Bath,” Rose said. “They’re not far from here.”

“I see why Lord Evan adores you, Rose,” Lily said. “You’re so bright. That must be so.”

“Then swimming is definitely on the agenda.” Alexandra turned her back to Lily. “Here, undo me.”

“This is highly improper.” Sophie said.

“Ally, Sophie is right,” Rose said. “Anyone could come by and see us.”

“Nonsense,” Lily said. “The men are all on the hunt and won’t be back for hours yet. And the women are at the lawn party. Besides, we’ve been walking for almost an hour, and how many people have we seen along the way?”

“None, but…” Sophie fidgeted.

“There you are, dear.” Lily loosened Alexandra’s corset and turned around. “Now you do me.”

“Lily, we don’t have towels,” Rose said tentatively.

“True,” Sophie said, “and our undergarments will be wet. We simply mustn’t—”

Alexandra smiled and raised her eyebrows. “Then we’ll swim in the nude.”

Sophie clasped her cheek. “Where do you get such ideas, Ally?”

“I read, Sophie. A little gem called The Ruby.”

Lily warmed as Alexandra loosened her corset. She’d heard of The Ruby, an underground paper that published erotic stories. But how on earth had Ally seen it?

“What is The Ruby?” Sophie shook her head. “Never mind. I don’t want to know.”

Alexandra laughed. “I’m sure you don’t. But we’re perfectly alone here. And if we don’t wear any garments, we can dry in the sun before we put our clothes back on.”

“We should at least keep our undergarments on,” Rose said.

“By all means, if it makes you feel better to have a soggy chemise and drawers, then do so,” Alexandra said, “but I’m going in naked.”

“So am I!” Lily tossed her dress in a heap and stepped out of her corset and drawers.

Tags: Helen Hardt Sex and the Season Erotic