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Lily fought a strong urge to defend Daniel. Suppressing the odd feeling, she nodded to Rose.

“Mummy,” Rose said on cue, “do excuse my interruption, but we—that is, the four of us—would like to walk about the estate a bit.”

“That’s fine,” Lady Ashford said, “unless you have an objection?” She nodded to Aunt Iris.

“Oh, to be young again,” Aunt Iris sighed. “Do go ahead. But stay out of trouble.”

“That means you, Lily,” the countess said.

“Mummy, whatever do you mean?” Lily asked.

“You know very well what I mean. Have a good time, then.”

The girls giggled as they walked away.

“I noticed our brother dancing with a lovely blonde last evening,” Rose said.

“I had the pleasure of talking to Emma and Thomas last night, Rose,” Lily said. “I am thrilled with their friendship.”

“She must be perfect then,” Rose said. “You’re terribly hard on the girls Thomas associates with. Now tell me”—she turned to the others—“what shall we do? Did you find any spectacular places while you were out painting this morning, Lily?”

Lily fought a smile as she thought of the spectacular place she had found—Daniel’s bedchamber. “I spent most of the time in one place, and it’s more for painting than for fun. Let’s explore a little. This estate is absolutely beautiful. I do think I love it more than our own. How did all of you enjoy the ball last night? Did any of you meet anyone interesting?”

“I danced with your Lord Wentworth twice,” Alexandra said.”

“Please, he’s not my Lord Wentworth. You may certainly have him.”

“I’m not sure I want him.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “He stole a kiss on the terrace.”

“No!” Rose said. “I can’t believe it.”

“Believe it. And you were right about kissing, Lily. His lips were sticky, and he tried to push his tongue into my mouth.”

Rose and Sophie gasped.

“I was only talking about kissing Wentworth, Ally,” Lily said. “I’m sure that we can’t judge all men by his efforts.” She smiled to herself. How right she was!

“Why on earth did you go to the terrace with him?” Sophie asked.

“Curiosity, I suppose. I won’t do it again.”

“Still, I’m a little jealous, even if the kiss wasn’t to your liking,” Rose said. Then, “Oh, that reminds me. Lord Evan asked me to go riding with him tomorrow. I was hoping you could go along, Lily, as our chaperone.”


“Of course,” Rose said. “You’re older than I.”

“By only eleven months, and I’m unmarried.”

“Goodness, Lily, since when are you so sensitive about convention? It’s just a ride during a house party. Dozens of others are likely to be about.”

“Of course I’ll go along,” Lily said. “I take it you found Xavier acceptable then?”

“Yes, I had a lovely time.”

“Did he take any liberties?” Alexandra asked.

Tags: Helen Hardt Sex and the Season Erotic