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I explained what I knew about Jean-Charles and gave them more details about the threats I’d received so far.

Corbin headed off another round of Beau arguing with me about why I didn’t tell him when I got the first threats. “You hadn’t spoken to each other in years. Why would he come to you?”

Beau shook his head. “Fine but promise from now on you’ll tell me everything.”

Corbin pressed his lips together, and I knew he was trying not to laugh.

Thank God Beau was looking at me and not him. “If anybody from LePlatt’s organization, or anyone else who’s a former associate of Rob’s, contacts me or comes after me, I promise to tell you.”

“Damn right,” Beau said.

Corbin winked at me, and I had to look away. This situation was spiraling out of control quickly. Beau and I might’ve just repaired things between us, but if he found out I was fucking Dax, what would that do to the peace we’d found?

A knock on the door made me jump.

“It’s ok. It’s Dax,” Corbin said.

“How do you know?”

“I know his footsteps and his knock.”

As sure as he sounded, he still went to the door with a gun in his hand.



When I knocked on the door of Travis’s apartment, Corbin answered the door with a gun aimed right at my heart.

“Put that damn thing down. You knew it was me.”

“I don’t take chances. You know you don’t either.”

Corbin didn’t move the gun, and his hand remained steady. I liked to tease him, but I was damn proud of how far he’d come. If it came to it, he just might shoot me to protect Beau and Travis. “Corbin, seriously, what the fuck are you doing?”

He grinned. “Debating whether to let you in.”

“I’ll come in if I want to.”

“No, you won’t.”

I grabbed his gun arm, spun him around, and twisted his arm behind his back.

Travis jumped up from the couch, but Beau put out an arm to stop him. “That’s how their family shows affection.”


Corbin laughed as Dax let him go. “Someday I’m going to win against you.”

Dax rolled his eyes. “Not in this lifetime.”

“What did you learn?” Beau asked, suddenly serious.

“Not as much as I’d hoped.”

“Is he…” Travis was pale. If he had this much trouble with what I did, how the hell was this going to work?

Corbin took my arm. “Have a seat.”

“I’m okay. I just… This is all…”

I helped Corbin lead him back to the couch. “You shouldn’t care what happens to that bastard.”

“I don’t. I want him dead. I just… I don’t like thinking about it.”

Memories from our childhood came flooding back. “Shit, you’re still squeamish.”

I remembered one time when Ambrose had slipped on the bank and slid into the bayou. He’d cut himself on something metal that was hidden under the murky surface. The gash was long and deep, and I had tried to make him go to the ER, but our uncle insisted that pouring some whiskey on it and using a few butterfly bandages would work just as well as anything “those damn doctors would do.” He still had a wicked scar.

Ambrose had been fine, and my main concern had been infection, but Travis had nearly passed out. Beau ended up piggybacking him back to my uncle’s house.

Travis’s cheeks turned pink. “Yeah, I am.”

Beau stepped into the kitchen and came back with a glass of water. “Drink this.”

“Jean-Charles isn’t dead yet. He just wishes he was. We’re holding him in case he can be of further use. I walked the perimeter of the property here, and there was no sign that anyone has the place under surveillance, but I’ll be staying here just in case.”

I refused to look at Corbin because if I did, I might give myself away. I could keep my face blank in front of any enemy, but my little cousin was really good at taunting me.

I explained the few details I’d learned about LePlatt’s organization, and we all agreed to talk more the next morning.

Once the door closed behind Beau and Corbin, Travis laid his head back against the couch and let out a long breath. “I really didn’t want to involve all of you in this.”

“Too bad. You’re getting help, like it or not.”

“I think Corbin knows about… us.”

I nodded. “Yeah, he does, but don’t worry. He’s not going to tell Beau.”

“How long will it take Beau to figure it out himself? Are you sure this is…”

“I said you were mine, Travis. I wasn’t playing with you. There’s no going back now.”

“So you’re… You still… want me?”

I forced myself to really think about my words. Instinct had kicked in, and I’d asserted my need to possess him, but when I thought about who I was, how much I’d enjoyed making Jean-Charles bleed and suffer, how I’d laughed when he’d screamed as I’d burned his skin, I couldn’t help but think Travis deserved better.

Tags: Silvia Violet The Theriot Family Romance