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“There’s no need to have anyone watching me. I’ve got a gun and—”

“Rob’s enemies have a hell of a lot more resources than you. We want to even the field. But if you really don’t want the protection, you’ll have to talk to Dax.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Don’t play games with me.”

“Dax requested they watch you, so they’ll want his orders or Remy’s before they back down. I could make sure Dax comes by the shop tomorrow.”

My heart pounded at the thought. Did I really want to see him? Was there any chance I’d convince him to call his men off? “Fine. Do it.”



I woke late the next morning to a cryptic message from Corbin summoning me to Beau’s shop. What the hell did he want?

I was way too hungover to deal with my little cousin and his scheming ways. He probably wanted me to do something for Beau that I wasn’t going to like but would inevitably do anyway. I sat up and ran a hand through my hair. Why the hell did I drink so much last night?

I knew the answer, but I wanted to pretend I didn’t. I couldn’t get Travis out of my head. I’d forced myself to stay away from him since I’d helped move his stuff to his apartment. The men I had watching him had checked in with reports on how he was doing. I knew he’d hate me spying on him, but it was for a good cause. Someone needed to make sure he was safe at night.

I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him, about what it would’ve been like if I kissed him, about what it would be like if I was actually his full-time protector, what it would be like if he were truly mine. I’d wrapped my hand around my cock in the shower, in bed, wherever and whenever I jerked off, imagining him under me as I held him down and thrust into him. I imagined him straddling me, riding me faster and faster as I urged him on. I imagined him on his knees, swallowing my cock.

I kept thinking I needed to bury myself in someone else to put Travis out of my mind, but every time I’d gone out, I’d turned down all the propositions I’d received. I wanted Travis, not someone else. How the hell had this all come on so fast? I’d never believed in fate bringing two people together. Hell, I’d never really believed in love until I’d seen my cousins fall for their men. Now I was questioning everything because my mind was screaming that Travis was the one. He was mine, and I needed to go claim him, but I held back. There would be so many consequences if I did.

Now I was finally going to see Travis again… unless I ignored Corbin’s message. Maybe seeing him would actually be a good thing. Maybe I’d realize I was blowing my attraction to him out of proportion, misremembering the intensity of the feelings he inspired in me.

Or maybe it would make everything worse. What did Corbin mean he had someone I needed to talk to? He was being vague, and that was never a good sign. I texted him for clarification, but even after I’d showered and eaten breakfast, I’d gotten no reply, not that I was surprised by that.

My AC was working overtime to combat the midsummer heat, so I’d eaten in my boxers, then reluctantly pulled on a pair of cargo pants and a t-shirt. I would’ve had to leave the house eventually. Remy would be fussing at me soon to get on with some of the tasks he’d assigned me. As much as I dreaded going out into the swampy heat, if I stayed home, I’d just spend every second thinking about Travis.

It was possible I wouldn’t even see him. He might be working under a car the whole time. For all I knew, it was his day off, though the fact that my man reported he’d left his apartment at the usual time and gone to the body shop told me I wasn’t going to be that lucky.

When I pulled to a stop in the lot in front of Beau’s shop, I took a deep breath of the cool air blasting from my car vents before cutting the engine. I headed for the main office, assuming Corbin would be lurking somewhere near there since he rarely did any of the dirtier work.

Leland, the youngest of the mechanics, was at the front desk sorting through some work orders. “Is Corbin around?”

“Um… yeah… but I think he’s in Beau’s office.” Leland’s nervous frown told me everything I needed to know.

“He’s in there with Beau? And the door’s shut?”

Leland blushed as he nodded.

Dammit. Those two would fuck anywhere. They didn’t care who heard it.

Tags: Silvia Violet The Theriot Family Romance