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I hadn’t been able to get much sense of my surroundings. We’d parked behind a multi-story building next to a dumpster, but it could have been a million places in the city. For all I knew, we weren’t even in New Orleans anymore. I had no idea how long they’d driven while I was unconscious.

The Ralph look-alike set me on the floor harder than necessary, but at least he didn’t just drop me. I was in a room the size of a walk-in closet. The walls were cinder block, the floor was tile, and there were no windows.

“Watch the door,” the man who’d taken me instructed. The second man grunted and stepped out.

“That man was posing as a guard, wasn’t he?”

Pointy Face smiled. “You aren’t as dumb as I thought. My man was there for hours before I came in.”

“Then why didn’t he take me earlier?”

“Because unlike your lover, we know how to be patient. Plans work so much better that way.”

“Where’s Ralph?”

“He’s not going to be rescuing anyone else ever.”

My stomach churned. A man had died guarding me. That wasn’t right. I never meant for anything like that to happen. I should have stayed home like Lance asked.

Pointy Face pulled out a knife, and I sucked in a breath.

Why would he bother to bring me here if he was just going to kill me? They’d killed Ralph right away. “Please. I—”

He slashed through the bonds holding my ankles together. “Turn around.”

I rose to my knees and did as he said, praying he wasn’t going to drag that wicked knife across my throat. He freed my wrists, and I turned to face him as I got to my feet. For just a second, I thought about trying to make a break for it, but with him armed, I knew I’d never make it. “Where are we?”

“You don’t need to know that. Just hope someone finds you soon.”

He backed toward the door, and I glanced around the empty room. “What are you doing?”

“Leaving you here. Don’t worry. You’re quite safe. You’re only enemy now is time. Three days without water. That’s what most can survive.” He gave me a critical once-over. “You don’t look particularly strong. Let’s hope someone moves quickly.”

“You can’t just—”

“I can do anything I want. I could slit your throat right now. I could torture you until you begged me to kill you. I can’t promise my boss won’t change his mind and order me to do just that. We’ll have to see how obedient your boyfriend and his family can be.”

The room swam around me. There had to be a way out of this. “What do you want?”

“It only matters what my boss wants, and he wants to punish your lover and his family.”

What was I going to do? I didn’t want Lance to sacrifice anything for me. Okay, he could give these men the necklace—the real one. I didn’t want to die for it, but I was afraid they’d ask for a lot more. Why had I been stupid enough to go into that room with a stranger?

I reached into my pocket. Was my phone still there?

“We emptied your pockets before we tossed you in the trunk. Do you think we’re stupid?”

I shook my head.

“And in case you think screaming will get someone to come to your rescue, don’t bother. There’s no one around, and sound doesn’t carry from this room. No reason to die with a sore throat.”

He opened the door. Again I thought about trying to push past him.

“Don’t,” he said as if he knew what I was contemplating. “The boss wants you alive for now, but if you push the issue…”

I leaned back against the wall. My legs didn’t feel steady enough to hold me up.

“Look at you making a smart choice. Now all you have to do is try not to die too quickly in here all by yourself.”

I fought back panic, refusing to show how weak I was in front of him.

“Goodbye and good luck.”

At least this way I had a chance.

He closed the door behind him, and I heard a key turn in the lock. I looked around, convinced there had to be a way out.

There were no windows in the room, no way out but the door. The cinder-block walls seemed to be in good shape, no holes or chinks where I could try to… Who was I kidding? I had no tools, nothing to help me. I wasn’t going to get one of the blocks loose, not that I could fit through a space that small anyway. I could try screaming. The man might have been lying about no one being around.

I beat on the door and yelled. “Help. Help me. I’m locked in.”

After repeating it several times, I sank to my knees. I wanted Lance so badly. I wanted to wrap my arms around him. What if Tony couldn’t find his way home? What would Lance do without either of us? My eyes stung, and I shook with silent sobs. Giving in, I curled up on the dusty floor and let the tears come.

Tags: Silvia Violet The Theriot Family Romance