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“Do you want to do exactly what I say?” he asked.

I shook my head.


He kissed me before I could form a response. The second he did, fire burned through me. I could no longer pretend I didn’t want this as much as he did. I couldn’t hold back anything. I struggled against his hold, but not because I wanted to stop. I wanted my hands free so I could touch him.

As I fought him, I rubbed our cocks together and cursed the layers of fabric between us. I wanted him naked against me, wanted to feel all of him, the heat of his skin, the precum I was sure was leaking from his cock.

He pulled away and stared at me as we both panted. Then, without warning, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. “I’m taking you to bed now. We’re not waiting anymore.”

He dropped me onto the mattress hard enough to make me bounce. Before I could get my bearings, he was on top of me, pushing me back and spreading my legs with his hips. Just as his mouth crashed down on mine again, I felt the vibration of his phone against my leg.

“Ignore it,” he ordered.

That wasn’t too difficult considering he was forcing my mouth open and pushing his tongue into me like he was fucking me with it. His phone stopped buzzing, but it immediately started up again. He growled and sat back, jerking it from his pocket.

“Fuck. It’s Remington.”

I dropped an arm over my eyes, closing them and trying to force my body to settle. Why the hell did Remington have to call now?



I wanted to wring my brother’s neck for interrupting me. “This better be good.”

“Valentino Carlotti contacted me. He wants Davide back within the hour, or retaliation begins.”


“I need everyone here ASAP.”

“I’m on my way.”

Julian dropped his arm from over his eyes. “You’re leaving?”

“I’m so sorry. The men who’re after us know about the guy Dax and I picked up. Things are escalating. I want to bring you with me, but I’m not sure what’s going to happen, so I’m going to leave you here well guarded. Either I’ll be back tonight, or I’ll send Corbin or Dax.”

“What do you mean you might not be back? Where will you be?”

“Doing whatever is necessary to keep you safe.”

“Lance, I… Please be careful.”

I hated the fear in his voice. “I’m not good at being careful, but I am good at winning.”


I brushed the back of my hand over his cheek. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine. And I am going to have your ass sooner or later. Remember that.” He groaned, thrusting his hips as I kissed him. “I would never leave you like this if it wasn’t serious. Jerk off thinking of me, okay?”

“Jesus, Lance.”

“I’ll need something good to think about.” I grabbed my keys and hurried out. If I stayed there any longer, I’d be tempted to finish what we started before I went to meet my brother. That would not go over well. Besides, as much as I wanted to fuck Julian, keeping him safe was more important.

I got to Remington’s house just as Dax was pulling up on his motorcycle. “Tell me Davide’s secure.”

“They’re not going to find him. I’ve got him in a hidey hole even you don’t know about. Blackjack set up the security, and he’s scrambling all the signals going in and out.”

I nodded. The guy was as well hidden as he was going to get. I was about to knock on Remy’s door when Dax grabbed my arm, holding me back. “Remington’s not taking this well. He’s worried about us.”

I frowned. “He’s always—”

“No, this is different. He’s scared.”


“Yeah. So don’t…”

“Don’t be my usual self?”


I didn’t feel like I’d been my usual self since I’d first met Julian, but I supposed I had been when it came to my interactions with my brother.

“He’s blaming himself,” Dax said. “Wishing he’d waited to see if they made any other moves. He’s worried he’s stirred up more than we’re prepared for.”

I shook my head. “We’re going to handle this.” We didn’t have a choice. I wasn’t going to leave any openings for someone to come for my man.

“So, you and Julian…”

“I’ll tell you about that when you tell me about you and Travis.”

Dax’s expression went blank, and he stiffened. “There’s nothing to tell. And don’t you dare bring this up around Corbin.”

“Beau warned you off?”

“Lance, I fucking mean it. The topic is off-limits.”

Before I could respond, Corbin opened the door. “What the fuck are you doing standing out here? Get inside.”

Dax headed in, and I followed him. When this was over, I was absolutely going to find out what was up with him.

As soon as we gathered in Remington’s living room, I saw that what Dax had told me was right. My brother had dark circles under his eyes, and he was wearing jeans and a t-shirt instead of his usual perfectly pressed suit.

Tags: Silvia Violet The Theriot Family Romance