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Gwen giggled. “I have a feeling you’re a good person to have owing me a favor.”

“You have no idea.” I headed for the exit then. The security guard was back at his post, but he didn’t even look at me or Tony. He needed a severe reprimand, and I would be glad to deliver it later.

If Julian thought I wasn’t coming back, he was far less intelligent than I assumed. No way was I going to fail at this mission. Even if the only consequence would be Remington’s displeasure, I would get that damn intel. But my pride was at stake. I was not going to be bested by a librarian, no matter how adorable he was when he was outraged. I would find a way in, and I would also make sure that by the time I left, Julian learned that no one talks to Tony the way he had. I could think of a lot of very fun ways to teach him that lesson.

Julian hadn’t fallen prey to my considerable charm, but I’d never met anyone who wouldn’t take a bribe. It was simply a matter of finding something they wanted badly enough, and I was a master at that.



I watched the man and his monkey walk toward the door. I hated that I couldn’t look away. I absolutely was not attracted to him. He was nothing but muscle and charm. His monkey was probably smarter than he was. Just because I’d seen intelligence in his dark eyes and his wit was quick, that didn’t mean anything. I was flustered and not thinking clearly. Who wouldn’t be when a monkey—a monkey!—sat right on a man’s shoulder and tried to steal a snack. What if the creature had gotten hold of books, or worse, letters or other more delicate items?

The man walked slowly like he was trying to show me how unconcerned he was about my threat to call the police. Even if they bothered to come, what would they do? Escort him out? Fine him? It probably wouldn’t be worth the paperwork for them. Hell, they’d probably be entertained by Tony.

Before he reached the door, Gwen beckoned to him, the traitor. I was sure she’d seen me trying to get rid of him, and it was more than obvious he had a monkey with him.

Great. Now she was shaking hands with Tony. She might be my best friend, but I’d yet to get her to respect the rules.

Was that… Dear God, she had snacks in her desk. It wasn’t like I’d actually thought she’d stop bringing in food because I’d asked her to. She was usually discreet at least, but now she was feeding an animal that ought to be in the wild, not here in the library. Did she want to get us shut down?

I took a deep breath. Calm down. No patrons are watching.

Marshall was, though, and I suspected he wouldn’t mind taking an early retirement package if the library closed. Dammit. I was going to have to make Gwen understand how important this was.

The man was still standing by Gwen’s desk with that ridiculous animal on his shoulder. What was she saying to him? Why didn’t she send him on his way?

I stared harder, trying to read her lips, but I’d been putting off a trip to the optometrist for months, and my glasses weren’t up to the challenge.

She got very animated about something. Was she flirting with the man? I’d rather gotten the impression he was interested in men, although no one would say I had a good track record for figuring that out. I’d decided dating wasn’t worth it, and there was no way the man had actually been looking at me like he wanted to eat me up. It was probably just an act.

He looked my way, and I forced myself to scowl, even though my mouth wanted to drop open. In my annoyance earlier, I’d failed to take in just how arrestingly gorgeous he was. I didn’t think I’d ever seen a man that… potent.

His smirk made my anger mingle with the unsettled feelings he’d provoked in me. I would not dare call it desire. I did not desire the arrogant asshole who was flaunting his defiance of my demand that he leave. I wanted him out, for the sake of the books and for me. I didn’t like how I felt around him, like I was losing control. I had enough things slipping through my grasp, my family, my job, my library. I didn’t need some man making me feel even more off-balance.

I glared more fiercely and pointed toward the door. He just grinned and turned back to Gwen. I wanted to scream at both of them, but I kept my composure. One did not scream in a library.

I continued watching them until finally, after making Gwen giggle like a lunatic, he left the building. In fact, I didn’t take my eyes off him until he’d reached his also gorgeous, illegally parked Mercedes S 580, gotten in, and driven away.

Tags: Silvia Violet The Theriot Family Romance