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He shook his head. “I wasn’t supposed to call any attention to the operation.”

“Then your brother should’ve gotten someone else to do the job.”

Lance smiled. “That’s exactly what I told him.”

I leaned slightly closer and reached up to turn on one of the overhead lights.

He blinked at the brightness. “What’s that for?”

“I needed to see you.” Tony looked back and forth between us as if he also wanted an explanation. Lance looked at the little monkey with affection.

I wasn’t wrong about Lance, was I? I wanted so badly to trust him. I didn’t think he was lying to me, at least not about the danger or his involvement in the theft of the necklace. As to what else he might be involved in that would scare me, offend me, repulse me…

I wouldn’t think about that. I looked into his eyes, and the intensity I saw there sent heat rushing through me. Please don’t let me be a fool to trust him.

I lifted my hand and brushed the backs of my fingers over his cheek. “I’m scared.”

He laid his hand over mine. “I will keep you safe.”

“There’s no way I can promise to do exactly what you say. I need my job. I have to go to work, and you can’t lock me up in your house and not involve me in any of this.”

“The more you’re involved, the more danger you’ll be in.”

“I’m used to taking care of things myself.”

“Maybe it’s time you weren’t alone anymore.” He pulled my hand down to his mouth and brushed his lips over my palm, making me shiver. “Let’s go home.”

I nodded, but I couldn’t start thinking of his home as mine. I wouldn’t let myself pretend there was anything more going on than Lance wanting to protect me and ordering me around with his high-handed demands. I might fantasize about a man who told me what to do, who took charge, who did everything for me, but that wasn’t real life. I knew better.

Though maybe…

If I was going to be stuck with him for however long, I could at least indulge in a few fantasies. I might as well get something out of the situation.



By the time we got to my apartment, I’d worked myself up until I was ready to explode. I was angry with my brother, worried about what would happen to Julian, and unsure whether we could figure out a way to bring down the Carlottis. I was also horny as fuck.

I’d told Julian he could trust me. I told him I wouldn’t hurt him. If I was going to succeed in that, I needed to put him in the guest room and walk away. Yes, he’d responded when we’d kissed, and I’d seen desire in his eyes a few minutes ago before we left Remington’s house, but it would be best for me to keep my hands off him. I had research to do and a big fucking problem to focus on.

Could I do that? I felt a connection with Julian I’d never felt with anyone else. I longed to take him, to use him, to show him just how much I wanted him, but I knew I should solve the issue with the necklace first. Remington had finally said I wasn’t to blame for things going to hell, but I could’ve handled my assignment so much better if I’d done as instructed. Instead, I went into the library angry at Remington and indulging my usual impulsiveness. I’d gotten away with doing what I wanted time and time again, but I’d also fucked some things up good.

I wasn’t ready to admit that my older brother was always right. He wasn’t, but maybe I did need to learn to be serious some of the time.

I pulled into the parking garage next to my building on Julia Street.

“Does anyone care that you have a monkey living here?” Julian asked.

I smiled for the first time in hours. “I own the whole building, and trust me, keeping a monkey doesn’t even qualify as eccentric in this part of New Orleans.”

“Will I get to meet any of these interesting neighbors?”

“Possibly, but not tonight.”

When I pulled out my keys and started to unlock the door, Tony leapt from my shoulder onto Julian’s.

“Hi there, little guy,” Julian said in a sweet baby voice. I glanced over my shoulder and saw him petting Tony on the head. Seeing them like that, knowing Julian was willing to accept Tony, tightened something in my chest. I chose not to linger too long on that feeling.

“I’ve got some of my men watching your place. We’ll go get some of your stuff tomorrow, but for tonight, you can wear one of my t-shirts and some boxers. I’ll show you the guest room.”

My words were stilted, and I felt awkward around Julian now that we were in my home. That was an alien feeling for me. Charming people came easily. I didn’t usually need to work to make them feel comfortable.

Tags: Silvia Violet The Theriot Family Romance