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"Don't worry yourself about the woman, dear. If

she's not your mother, you're still welcome to stay

here and enjoy Los Angeles for as long as you like." "Thank you," I called back and hurried up the

stairs to my plush room.

It wasn't until I plopped myself down on the

bed that I realized just how tired I was. Young or not,

I finally realized the time difference. After all, for me

it was three hours later than it was for everyone here.

I'll just rest for a few minutes, I thought and lay back,

closing my eyes. A sharp rap on my door woke me

immediately. I sprang into a sitting position. "What? Yes?"

The door opened and Alec gazed in at me. "Mr. and Mrs. Livingston are waiting for you in

the dining room," he announced.

"Oh. Oh, I fell asleep! I'll be right there," I cried

and hopped off the bed. He grimaced and closed the


I splashed cold water on my face, practically

tore off my blouse and jeans, and pulled on my dress.

I ran my brush through my hair once and then hurried

out of the room and down the stairs.

The Livingstons were at the far end of the long

table. Mr. Livingston sat at the end. He was dressed in

a dark sport coat and navy blue tie. His thinning dark

brown hair was parted on the right side and cut neatly

around his ears. He glanced up at me, his hazel eyes

sweeping over me quickly before turning downward

again to look over the bridge of his narrow, bony

nose, under which he wore a well-trimmed mustache.

He had thin lips and a soft, almost round chin. "Hello dear. I'd like you to meet Philip. Philip,

this is Holly's little friend, Melody."

Tags: V.C. Andrews Logan Horror