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Luca nods.

“Um...Mr. York, I’m not sure what we need to talk about.” I’m confused as to what discussion we could be having.

“Oh, it’s a simple talk. I want you to work for me.”

“What?” Luca and I say at the same time.

Mr. York chuckles. “I’m serious. I have a big proposition for you.”

“Um…” For the first time, I’m at a loss for words.

“Can you come to my office for five minutes?”

I nod. Mr. York isn’t one to say no to and I want to know what’s up with this idea he has.

“I’ll meet you up in my office.” He walks away from me and I turn to Luca.

“When you’re done with him, come find me.”

“Luca you have–”

“Find me.” He gives me a quick kiss and I head up to the top floor where all the offices are.

Mr. York’s secretary tells me to go right in. I walk into a large office with all oak furniture. I would have thought that it would have been decorated better.

“Hadley, have a seat.” Mr. York points to the chairs in front of his desk. “Now, I don’t want to beat around the bush, but you’re the best in the business and I want you to work for me.”

I giggle. “Oh, Mr. York, you do know how to flatter a girl, but I’m not the best.”

He waves his hand and I stop talking. “My company has a new project that will launch in September.”

“What is it?”

“The Hockey Network. It’s all a go and will be announced during the playoffs. I want you to run it.”

My mouth drops and I’m not breathing at the moment. “Wha...what?”

“You heard me. I’m willing to pay top dollar.” He hands me a contract and my eyes bulge at the salary. “You can give your job notice and then travel with Luca for the playoffs. Take July off and start for me in August.” Mr. York has it all worked out.

“Where is the base for the network?”

“Here in Omaha. My wife doesn’t want my businesses too far from home. It limits my traveling. You understand that.” He chuckles and I nod. “What’s your answer?”

“Mr. York, I need to think about this and discuss it with Luca. This is a huge step.” It’s a massive step. KSPN is a great company, but running a whole network would be a dream come true. I can’t get any higher than that. This is what I’ve worked for.

“Normally, I wouldn’t push but I need an answer now,” Mr. York tells me.

This is my dream. It’s right here in front of me. I’m not sure what Luca will say, but I can’t let this go.

“My answer is yes.”

~ ~ ~

I hate when I bother Luca during practice, but he'll be mad if I don’t tell him what I just did. He did tell me to find him when I finished with Mr. York. I walk down the tunnel and spot Luca the moment I see the ice. He isn’t the tallest player, but his presence on the ice is unmatched. I could watch him all day long.

“Hadley, when are you going to leave the Russian oaf and run away with me?” Darryl winks.

“I don’t know.” I shake my head. “Luca does come with a lot of benefits.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance