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Despite being stressed about tomorrow, practice relaxes me. It gives me something to focus on and something to do. There’s a nagging feeling in my gut though. I’m not sure if it’s due to Hadley not feeling well or to the playoffs. I push it out of my head for now and practice shots at our goalie. I love to score on him, especially because I know he’s a good and solid player.

He grins from behind his mask as I shoot wide. “Luca, are you going easy on me?” he laughs.

“I don’t do easy.” To prove my point, I set up a shot on to his right, see him crouch and prepare for it as he reads me like a book. At the last second, I change my mind and flick it upwards. The puck soars over his shoulder, hits the crossbar, and flies into the net.

Time seems to pass quickly. Before I know it, we’re all making our exit. “Sleep well, guys,” I instruct. We need to be well rested for tomorrow.

“I’ve got a girl coming over, but I’m sure we’ll do plenty of sleeping.” Darryl winks as he walks by, slapping my shoulder with a laugh.

I shake my head at him. “As long as you aren’t tired tomorrow.”

When I make it home, Hadley has dinner on the table. She sets her phone to the side as I walk over to where she’s sitting. I kiss the top of her head before sitting down.

“Feeling better?”

“Yep,” she smiles.


I listen as she tells me about her day and more about my parents' arrival tomorrow. We clean up the dirty dishes together before relaxing on the couch in the living room.

“Are you still stressed, Luca?”

“Yeah, but that’s the way it is.” Laying an arm around her shoulders, I tug her closer to me. “I may need my good luck charm tonight though, just to be sure.”

“If you think you can seduce me…” she trails off with a slow-forming grin.

“I can.” So, I do.

Chapter Five


Luca is already gone. I knew that he would want to head to the rink early. It’s a big game tonight and I know he’s nervous.

My stomach rolls again. Ugh, I can’t believe sushi is going to be the thing that kills me. I should be over this by now. Thank goodness I’m seeing the doctor today. I check my phone and listen to the voicemail Papa left this morning. They were boarding their flight in London, just a couple more stops before they're here. I’m ex

cited to see them. It’s been since Christmas and it feels like forever ago.

I send a text to Amy to make sure that she knows if she needs me, I’ll have my phone with me. I toss my phone down, roll out of bed, and start my day.

~ ~ ~

I pull up to the arena and flash my family badge and park next to Luca’s SUV. I thought I told him I needed it today and for him to take my car. I hate to bother him when he’s working.

I walk into the arena and the smell of wet sweat hits me. Ugh! My stomach rolls again. I hate sushi. The click-clack of my heels is loud as I head down to the locker room. I see one of the trainers and ask if they could get Luca for me.

“Baby?” I turn to see Luca in his Bucks shirt, shorts, and tennis shoes.

“I need to switch cars. I can’t put your parents in mine.” I hand him my keys.

“Shit. I forgot. Hang on.” He jogs back into the room and comes out with his keys.

“Well, if it isn’t Hadley Lincoln.” Luca and I both turn and see Duncan York, the owner of the Bucks coming toward us. “I was just coming down here to have Zotov give me your number.”

“Really?” I look at the older man. He’s always been nice to me. Then again, I tend to turn on my charm a bit for him. Billionaire or not, he’s still a guy and they all like to be flirted with. “And to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“We need to have a talk.” His gray eyes smile at me. “Zotov, how are you son?”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance