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“How did you get here so fast?”

Mama perks one eyebrow at me and I’m sure she could've swam to get here. Never underestimate the Zotov’s, that’s a sure thing.

“Where’s Luca?”

“I sent him and Papa home to rest for a little bit. I told them I can handle things here.” She sits back down and picks up her knitting needles again.

I have no doubt in my mind that she can handle it all. “Did you see Little Valeria?”

“Only through the window. The NICU visiting hours were closed, but I’ll go when they open back up. She’s absolutely beautiful.”

I smile, but the dread fills me quickly as I watch her fingers create a masterpiece. “Mama, I’m scared.” My voice cracks.

“Oh, Hadley.” She stops and looks up at me. “You have nothing to worry about. That little girl comes from a long line of stubborn, hardheaded women. She wanted to make a grand entrance and she’s going to be just fine. I promise you.” Mama wipes my tears and kisses my cheek. The smell of sugar soothes me and I know she’s right. Little Valeria is going to be fine.

After a few minutes, my tears finally stop and Mama forces me to get up. She tells me that I’m weak because I’m not moving. She helps me up and makes me walk to the bathroom. She helps me wash up and for the first time, I see the staples across my belly. No more bikinis for me, but I have my daughter and that’s what matters. Mama doesn’t put me in bed; she makes me sit in the rocking chair.

Once I’m settled, Luca and Papa come in. Luca looks better now that he’s changed his clothes. Papa hugs me and looks me over to make sure I’m okay.

“Mama’s taking care of me.” I wink at him.

Luca kisses me and kneels next to me. “You look better.”

“I feel it, too.”

We all chat for a little bit before Mama announces she’s ready to meet to her granddaughter. Luca gets the wheelchair and we all head down to the NICU. Mama ooh’s and ah’s over Little Valeria in Russian. Papa is quieter, but I’m sure I see a tear or two in his eyes. There’s a man who never cries. We spend several minutes in there and Mama puts the tiny mittens she made on Little Valeria’s hands.

I look over at Luca who is standing behind me and take his hand. “You haven’t touched her.”

“I can’t right now.” He shakes his head and I don’t push him any further.

I nod. He will when he’s ready.

Chapter Twenty-Four


I’ve been home with Hadley for two days, though we’ve made frequent trips back to the hospital to see Valeria. My parents have left to do some grocery shopping for us. It was hard to leave without Valeria, but I’m glad she’s with the doctors and is being well taken care of. Every time I look at her, my heart swells and sinks at the same time. She’s so fragile looking. She’s still doing well though.


I turn my head to look at Hadley, who is sitting next to me on the couch. “What is it? Do you need something?”

“No,” she shakes her head. “When are you going back to work? Mama and Papa are here, so we’re covered. Plus, the next couple of games are at home. You need to go play before you get rusty.” She gives me a smile, but I don’t return it.

I haven’t thought about hockey, and I know I need to. I don’t want to, though. I don’t want to be pulled away from a game or practice to hear news that’ll turn everything upside down. Having my parents here does make me feel better. “Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

“I’ll be fine for a few hours every day without you. At least you aren’t hopping on a plane right away, Luca. You need to get back to it.”

“Fine,” I mutter.

“Don’t sound so thrilled about it,” she teases.

“I won’t. It’s going to be hard to focus.” I angle myself toward her, stare into her eyes and add, “If something changes while I’m at work, the minute it happens, I expect a phone call. And you’re not going to lie about how you’re feeling or if you need something. Mama and Papa are here to help, so let them.”

Hadley rolls her eyes. “I’m not completely helpless, but fine. I’ll do all of that. You should probably go in this afternoon, especially since there’s a game tomorrow. Mama and Papa should be back shortly and I’ll be fine until they get back.”

I narrow my eyes at her. “I don’t like you pushing me out of the house. There’s not another good looking Russian hiding in here, is there?”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance