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“Baby, what is it?” Luca sits on the side of my bed and cups my face. “Tell me.”

“I won’t be a real woman if she takes my uterus.” The tears roll down my face. I thought that once I had Little Valeria, these fucking hormones would stop, but now they seem worse.

“What? Baby, that’s not true. You’re a woman through and through.” He leans close to my ear. “Trust me, I’ve kissed every inch of your delectable, womanly body.”

I giggle and softly kiss his lips. “Thank you, Luca, for everything.”

“You don’t have to thank me, baby. Hey,” he stops and grins. “Where’s your phone?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” I shake my head. Shit, I don’t even know where my purse is.

“Here.” He hands me his. “Look at my text message to you. My last one.”

I’m perplexed as to why he wants me to look at his phone, but I do. I find my name in his list of messages and tap it. My heart stops and my mouth drops. My eyes leave the screen and look into his brown eyes.

“I love you, Hadley. In the past twenty-four hours, I feel like my whole life has been turned on its head. But I’m glad that it has.” I can see in his eyes the honesty that he’s revealing. “I love my sister and after talking to Papa, I think that I finally realize that...even though I still hold some blame, she wouldn’t want me to live like I have been. Hadley, I want my future with you and our daughter. I’m going to make mistakes. I am. I know it, but I want you to be by my side when I do.”

“Oh, Luca.” The tears come faster.

“You’re the only woman that I’ve loved. You’re the only wife that I’ll ever have. And I will always be here for you.”

“You and me forever,” I choke out, sniffling.

“You and me forever.” He leans his forehead against mine.

~ ~ ~

I was given two more units of blood and then Luca forced me to eat soup. Amy came by and gave me my phone and purse. She told me that everything is smooth sailing at THN and not to worry about anything. Mr. York came by as well. He told Luca not to even think about hockey and ordered me to rest.

“Don’t think about anything but your daughter and resting.”

After everyone leaves, Luca takes me down to see Little Valeria. I’m still too weak to walk, so he pushes me in a wheelchair. I knew that she would be small, but I’m shocked when I see her for the first time.

The nurses are talking to Luca, but I can’t tear my eyes away from her tiny body. The nurses gave her a little Bucks cap because they know she is Luca’s baby. Her diaper is too big, but the nurses say she’s doing great.

“May I touch her?” I finally ask.

“Of course.” The nurse opens small circular door on the side and I reach my hand in.

Little Valeria is warm and I watch her chest rise and fall. The beeping of the heart machine is all that I can hear. She’s beautiful. Even in her tiny form, she’s the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen. Luca and I created her from our love and I don’t think I’ve ever loved anything or any person as much as I do her.

I stick out my

pinkie and reach for her hand. Instantly, she grips it. I know the books say it’s instincts, but right I now, in my head, my baby girl is holding her mommy’s hand. I don’t want to let go. I don’t want to leave our baby, but I’m tired. Luca tells me that I can come back later after a nap. I nod and close the door of her incubator.

Luca rolls me back to the room and helps me back in bed. Right before I fall asleep, Dr. Jones comes back in and discusses the ultrasound.

“Everything looks good. I’m going to keep you for tonight, but tomorrow you should be able to go home.”

I’m relieved that I’m okay, but my heart breaks at the fact that I’ll go home without Little Valeria. I try to fight the sleep, but I fail and soon my eyes close.

~ ~ ~

I take a deep breath and open my eyes. I turn my head to the left and Mama is knitting next to me.


“Oh.” She drops her yarn and cups both of my cheeks. “How is my girl?”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance