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Amy is talking to a curvy blonde. It takes me a total of two seconds to know who it is.

“Kinley Wright,” I call out to her. “I can’t believe you were able to make it.” I hug her when she turns to look at me.

“Oh, Hadley.” There are a few things that Kinley Wright is known for: her bossiness of the spokesmen for LSMP hockey division, her curves, and her thick Alabama accent. She’s as southern as southern comes. “I heard you were pregnant. Oh my God, you’re the cutest ever.” She rubs my belly.

“I don’t feel it, that’s for sure,” I whine.

“Well, trust me, you are stunning.”

“I appreciate you lying to me, Kinley. Where’s Mr. Bad-boy Carson Lee? I assume he’s here somewhere.”

Kinley laughs. “He is. He’s at the bar getting some drinks. I can’t say he’s particularly happy about being here, but when he heard everyone else was coming, you know he couldn’t miss the opportunity of jabbing and causing trouble.” Kinley rolls her eyes.

I laugh. “How’s he healing from his injuries from the playoffs? It’s nothing serious, was it?”

“Please, his pride was hurt more than his leg. He’s fine. He’s been skating all off-season in our hockey rink. What’s it like to be with Mr. Cup Winner?”

“The same.” I laugh. “He’s still a stubborn Russian with or without the cup.”

“So, Hadley,” Kinley taps her finger against her lips. “When am I going to get pictures of Luca in our new underwear line?” she smirks.

“Never. It’s bad enough ESPN won’t leave him alone to do their Body Issue,” I snap at her.

“You know Hudson King said he’d never do it, but he’s my newest conquest,” she reminds me.

“Well, that’s Hudson. I know damn well Luca isn’t going to do it.” I cross my arms.

“I hate to admit, but you might be right. He is the only player to actually hang up on me.” Kinley rolls her eyes.

I laugh. “When he says ‘no’, it means ‘no’.” I stop laughing and think of when he said ‘no’ about kids.

She nods. “Well, I need to mingle. I see a few new potential clients. Congrats on everything, Hadley.” Kinley hugs me again and then she’s off to mingle.

I look around the massive crowd and try to figure out where Amy ran off to when I bump into someone.

“Sorry,” I apologize.

“Not a problem.” The man turns to me. He’s a couple inches taller than me and not a bad looking guy. “Seems like everyone is bunched in together.”

I nod.

“I’m Chris.” He holds out his hand.

“Hadley Lincoln.” I shake it.

“The director of THN?”

“Yes.” I smile at my title. “I’m one in the same.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet such a beautiful and smart woman.”

I’m thrown off for a second. “Thank you.” I smile. “I believe I know all of our sponsors, so how are you associated with THN?”

“I’m a business partner with York.” He points over my shoulder and I see Mr. York laughing with a group of men.

“Interesting.” I smile brightly at him. If he works with York, then I need to keep my charm set on him.

“Here, baby.” Luca practically shoves the glass in my hand and stands between Chris and me. “Sorry, I was talking to Carson and Ashton.” Luca quickly looks the guy up and down. “Hey, I’m Luca Zotov.” They shake hands. “Sorry to interrupt, but Hadley needs to excuse herself for a second.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance