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“Didn’t want to use your pillow last night, huh?” I giggle at him.

“I guess not. I should get up and run.” And it’s back to the serious Luca.

“Let’s talk, Luca. Come on. I know last night is still weighing on your mind. We need to figure this out. Together.” I don’t want him to close me out. I can’t let him push me away.

“Not right now, we don’t. I’ve already slept in; I don’t need to miss my morning run. This can wait.”

“You know, Luca,” I throw my hands up. “Sometimes, you are like two different people. One who’s sweet to me and then in a blink of an eye, you’re back to being a rough and tough Russian hockey player. Damn it, I thought we were making some progress last night.”

“I just woke up,” he snaps at me. “Why do we have to do this now? I didn’t say I wouldn’t, I just said not right this damn second, Hadley.”

“Fine. Whatever. Go run.” I wave my hand at him, shooing him out of the bedroom.

“Why? So you can be pissed with me all day? Or so you can bug me about it all day? Might as well do it now.” He leaps from the bed.

I jump from the bed and stomp right up to him. He glares at me when I poke him hard in the chest. “I’m a pregnant, hormonal female; I have the right to be pissed off all day. Your daughter won’t stop kicking me and I can’t rest; therefore that gives me even more rights to bug you all day. Now, I’m going to take your credit card and go have some retail therapy and give you the silent treatment. Enjoy it while it lasts, you hardheaded Russian.” I continue to stomp past him and into the bathroom, slamming the door on him.

I hear him yell, “Trust me, I’ll enjoy the silent treatment.”

~ ~ ~

I’m still mad at Luca as I tug on my hair. I have to pull it up because I pissed off at it, too. It won’t hold a curl. It’s not straight enough for me and it’s made me cry.

Fucking hormones.

I throw my brush down and begin to pin it back. I’ve said nothing to Luca all day. We’ve avoided each other since I came home from shopping. I bought Little Valeria more clothes that were too cute not to purchase. Her closet is as full as mine and she isn’t even here yet.

Once I’m done with my hair, I brush the tears away and touch up my makeup again. I can’t wait for the crying hormone to go the fuck away.


I have to stop cussing, too. I read in

one of the books that the baby can hear even while in the womb. I’m going to have a giant-size baby and when she opens her mouth, ‘fuck’ will probably be her first word. Look out world; Hadley Lincoln is on the verge of Mother-of-the-Year award. Maybe I should call Mama and have her come early. She would keep me in line.

“Hadley,” Luca’s gruff tone breaks me from my thoughts.

“I know. I know,” I gripe at him. I take a second look in the mirror. Well, this is as good as it’s going to get. When I turn and look at the full-length mirror, I gasp. I’m huge and I look like a huge purple tent. I’m hideous.

My stomach looks like a large basketball. I’ve gained over twenty pounds. Even though the doctor says I’m healthy and the baby looks great, when I look in this mirror, I want to grab my sweats and a t-shirt, and go crawl into bed.

Oh, this is going to suck.

I open the bathroom door and head down the stairs. Luca is at the bottom and looks like a dream in his black suit, perfect hair, and even more perfect beard that has grown back.


I’m torn between ripping off his pants and having sex with him on the floor, or punching him in the face because he keeps pissing me off and he looks better than I do. Instead of doing either, I walk past him toward the garage. I hear him huff in frustration, but I ignore him and get into the car. Luca jumps in and drives us to the party.

The Hockey Network launch party is all anyone in the sports community can talk about. If you’re a big name in hockey, then you’ll be at this party tonight. The whole hockey league had been invited and I know all the captains are going to be here.

Luca pulls up to the valet and the nice man helps me out of the car. There’s a red carpet and Luca comes up next to me, puts his arm around me, and we pose for pictures. I might be mad at him, but this is my job and I love the Russian jerk-face.

“What do you want to drink?” Luca asks as we make our way into the massive party.

“A white wine, a margarita, and a gin and tonic.” I smile at him. Luca narrows his eyes at me. “Fine,” I roll my eyes. “A water, please.”

Luca nods and walk off toward the bar. I head the other way to find Amy. She looks perfect in her pink halter-top dress. Oh, if I only had her figure. I did have her figure at one time, and now I’m growing a human inside of me and she going to be as big as Luca when she comes out.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance