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t me in a hug. “I’m so proud of you. I knew you could do it, Hadley. I love you, too.”

Chapter Seventeen


Amy and I are sitting at my kitchen table going over my schedule. August first is coming up fast and I have to go back to work. I’ve enjoyed my time off, even though Luca and I didn’t get to travel the way I wanted, but it’s still been a great and relaxing break.

“You have to go to that dinner meeting tomorrow night. You haven’t forgotten, right?”

“No, I didn’t,” I huff. “I don’t have anything to wear. I swear this little girl is going to come out being twenty pounds.” I rub my belly. I’ve been wearing Luca’s shirts and yoga pants almost every day.

“Well, it’s evening wear, and I don’t think the Bucks t-shirt will work.” She giggles as she point out my attire.

I narrow my eyes at her and she quickly stops. “I’m growing a human being. Society shouldn’t look down on me if I go into a five-star restaurant looking like this.”

“I think you’re right, but do you want that splashed on the front page of every hockey blog? I mean, you are Luca Zotov’s fiancée. He’s a hot commodity right now.”

Shit. She’s right.

“Fine.” I roll my eyes and gnaw on a carrot stick. Luca has thrown away all the good food and I’m dying for french fries right now, but he keeps shoving salads, fruits, and lean meats in my face. Ugh!

We go over a few other things and I send her on her way. I need a nap because I’m exhausted. I curl up on the couch when I hear Luca coming down the stairs.

“Have a good workout?”

“Yeah, baby. Did you eat the salad?”

I nod.

“You okay?”

“Tired,” I yawn.

“Here.” He lifts up my feet, lays them in his lap, and begins to rub them.

I moan as the ache goes away under his strong hands. I yelp and quickly sit up. “Holy shit.”

“What? What’s wrong?” Luca exclaims and his face pales.

“She moved.” I put my hand on my belly. I've felt the flutters before, but this time she kicked.


I give him a serious look. “She.” I point to my belly. “Our daughter.”

“What?” His eyes go wide.

I grab his hand and lay it on the left side of my belly. Luca hasn’t really touched my belly until this very moment. He keeps avoiding it in every way. “Feel it?” I can and I hope he’s able to.

She kicks again and I know he feels it because he’s staring at my belly. His hand is now splayed out on my stomach and our little Valeria is kicking again.

“You can feel it, can’t you?”

He nods and I’m not sure if he’s about to cry or run away. I hate that small bit of doubt still holds onto me tightly. He hasn’t officially said anything to me about leaving, and he is still trying.

I let go of his hand, lay back again, and change the subject. “Are you going to try and get some skate time in before the parenting class?”

“Not today.” He removes his hand, but his eyes don’t leave my belly. “Shouldn’t we be leaving soon for that?”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance