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“You need to throw this away or burn it one. No one needs to know all of those ‘what if’s. What were these people thinking?” I flip open the book, turn a few pages, and shake my head. “I told you it wouldn’t end well. This one’s talking about how the mom died and the baby came early and…I can’t read this.”

“Then put it down. It’s just a worst-case scenario. That isn’t going to happen to me. I promise. I’m healthy, minus the fries I’ve been sneaking. My doctor says all is good. Please, stop reading these books. Especially, if you can’t handle it. Jeez, where is my tough, rough hockey captain?”

“He wants to hit the people who wrote this.” I toss it on the bed. “Are you ready yet? Tonight is your big night and we shouldn’t be late.”

“How fat do I look? Be honest. Should I skip going?” She fusses over her dress. “I hate that I have to wear flats. My stupid swollen ankles.”

I stand and walk over to her. “You look too beautiful to skip. However,” I trail off as I look her up and down.

“What? I need to change, don’t I?”

“No, you’re just missing something.” I walk over to the nightstand and come back with her ring. “You need this.” I take her hand and slide it on.

“Seriously? I swear, sometimes you are such a strange Russian. You seem to surprise me at every turn. I love you, Luca.”

“I love you, too, baby. Now, let’s go.”

Hadley keeps running her hands over her dress on the drive to the Media Awards. She’s not usually a nervous person and I wonder if it’s because she’s pregnant and ‘fat’. I reach over and grab her hand.

“Stop it. This is going to be a good night, especially when you win, and you don’t need to be nervous.”

“I told you that I’m not going to win. Plus, I’m just nervous about everyone staring at my belly. I’m huge. I should have caution tape around me and a horn, so people know I’m coming through.”

I laugh. “You’re not the first pregnant woman they’ve seen, I’m sure. And you’ll win. I have a good feeling about it. But if you want, we can stop at the store for the caution tape and a horn.”

“No, it’ll clash with my dress.”

She seems to relax a bit after that. When we arrive, there are cars everywhere and tons of people walking into the large building. The valet takes the car after I’ve helped Hadley out of it. We’re stopped a few times on the way inside and to our seats as people stop to say hello to Hadley. I love coming to these things with her. Not just because I get to support her and be here with her, but because I’m basically just arm candy for her. The focus is almost always primarily on her, just the way I want it to be.

“Can you believe some of these people?” she whispers to me once we’re seated. “Where are their manners? You shouldn’t be able to just touch someone’s stomach like that.”

Yeah, I wasn’t a fan of it either. “At least it was women who did it, except for that one old guy.” I lay an arm on the back of her chair, running my fingers in lazily circles on her shoulder. I tuck her into my side a little and whisper into her ear, “How are we going to celebrate after you win? Anything you want.”


I nod.

“Even letting me eat a greasy burger and fries?” When I narrow my eyes and give her a stern look, she adds, “You’re the one who said anything.”

“I’ll consider it. What else?”

“Ice cream with lots of fudge. If you’re buying, you’ll have to stop being cheap.” She winks and I shake my head at her.

“All you want is food? If you eat those, you’re going to have to eat something healthy for every bite to counteract it.”

Hadley rolls her eyes. “Fine, Mr. Russian-Health-Nut, but I’ll be pouting the whole time.” She crosses her arms over her chest to prove her point.

I rub my thumb over her lower lip. “Pout all you want, baby, I don’t mind.”

Before she can respond, our attention is brought to the front of the room. The last of the people slip into their seats and the ceremony begins. We watch as clips are played, people receive their awards, and the time passes until it’s time to announce the winner of the award Hadley was nominated for. I hold her hand as the presenter says a few things about each nominee.

“And the winner of the Producer of the Year award is,” the guy takes a dramatic pause as he opens the envelope, “Hadley Lincoln!”

A surprised Hadley glances at me. I grin, hug and kiss her briefly. “Told you. Go get your award.”

She smiles before leaving my side to walk onto the stage. She stares at the award in her hands for a moment before glancing around at everyone in the audience. “I’m very shocked and humbled to have won Producer of the Year. This means a lot to me and all those who helped me to get here. Of course, I want to thank the staff at KSPN and even though I’m no longer there, I learned so much and I’m very thankful for my time there.” Hadley pauses and finds me. “I really need to thank my fiancé. I love you, Luca. Thank you for not bothering me when I’m editing or being upset when I’m up late working with no makeup on in flannel pj’s. You mean the world to me and I can’t imagine anyone else by my side. Thank you again.”

My heart surges at her words. When she comes back to her seat, I pull her agains

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance