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Luca grabs the bottom of my shirt and jerks it over my head. My long hair is tickling my back. I hadn’t put on a bra. I bite my lip as he looks me up and down. He tugs me closer to him by my jeans belt loop. I run my hands up his chest and swiftly unbutton his shirt.

If there’s one thing that’s never changed about Luca in the ten years we’ve been together, it’s the care he takes of his body. His pecs are still firm and hard. His abs are perfectly chiseled; it’s as if a Russian God is standing before me.

He wastes no time ripping off my jeans and thong. He runs his fingertips up my body causing me to shiver. I can’t hold off much longer as my body hums for him and his touch.

I drop to my knees and undo his pants. I can hear him growl as he springs free. My mouth is dry from my panting and I begin to stroke him. Luca says how much he wants me in Russian. It never fails. The moment anything sexual happens between us he generally speaks in Russian. It always turns me on more.

I lick my lips and then lick the tip of him. He fists his hands in my hair. I engulf my mouth around him, taking him all the way to the back of my throat. Luca guides me by tugging on my hair. Luca has never hurt me in bed. We’ve been rough with each other, but it’s hard and raw and just the way we want it.


If there is any word I do know in Russian, it’s ‘faster’. Luca’s command makes me move up and down his shaft quicker. I grip his hips as he’s almost pounding in my mouth.

“Ya, blizko, Otstupa.”

No way, Luca. I’m not going to pull away from you. I want to feel him in my mouth. I need it to cure my craving.

“Hadley,” he pants my name as I feel him burst in my mouth. I swallow all of him down as he loosens his grip in my hair an

d I peek up at him through my lashes. He’s looking down at me and I know he’s ready for his assault on me.

“Poluchit’ na krovati, lyubvi.”

I scramble to my feet and quickly get on the bed, as he commanded me. I lay on my back and Luca hovers over me. He starts with my lips. Kissing me hard and even nipping my bottom lip. He travels down my neck to my breast. I arch my back and grip the sheets with my life as he sucks and bites my nipples. Every one of his touches sends me into a tailspin of ecstasy. Luca leaves my breasts and licks down my stomach. He stops for a brief second over my growing belly. He doesn’t kiss it or touch it; he’s staring.

“Luca, please, I need you.” There is a double meaning to that sentence, but he doesn’t look at me as he skips my belly.

He pulls my legs open and I move my hands into his soft hair. He kisses the inside of each of my thighs and then bites my hips.


I feel him smile as he crosses over and licks me. My whole body shudders as his soothing tongue touches my hot core. He sucks me harder and moves one of his hands from my hip to slip two fingers in me. I rock my hips against his face and his beard tickles me, sending me over the edge. Luca never has to spend much time licking me. He knows exactly what buttons of mine to push. The faster he moves his fingers in and out, the louder I pant his name.

When Luca softly bites down on my clit, I shake as the orgasm bursts through my body. Luca releases me and licks all the way up my body, even over my stomach. He bites down on my collarbone and I open my legs wider.

“Nyet, perevorachivat.” His eyes meet mine.

I know what he wants and I turn over on my stomach. I prop myself up on my knees and elbows as he positions himself behind me. He pushes my head down and then pulls my hips up. I take a deep breath in because I know what’s coming.

Luca slams into me and I release my breath. He pulls out and then pounds right back in. His delicious assault on my body is making my insides flip and squirm.

I love it.

I love the way he takes control in bed.

It’s as much of a turn-on as when he speaks Russian to me.

Over and over, he thrusts in and tugs my hips back. He moves faster and faster, and I can’t keep my thoughts straight as my body is screaming for release.

“Luca. Luca,” is all I can say until the tension is so tight I’m about to break.

“Day mne, lyubov.”

I yell his name one more time as he commands my release and the tension breaks. I feel Luca finding the same release I am. Neither of can move as I collapse, turning onto my back and he falls to my side. We stare into each other’s eyes as we try to regain normal breathing and heart rates.

“Luca...stay...stay with me tonight,” I beg him.

He nods. “I’ll stay tonight, love.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance