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“Luca,” I sigh heavily. “You have a key. You can come in anytime and get your stuff. I’m not a bad person.”

“I know, Hadley.” He nods and we both get out of the SUV.

I head up to the bedroom with Luca trailing behind me. I may have shaken my ass a little bit more with each step because I know he’s looking. He always looks.

Once we’re in the bedroom, I lean against the doorframe as he heads over to the closet and pulls out the suit. Seeing him in our bedroom speeds up my heart and someone must flipped on my horny switch to the ‘on’ position. I’m practically panting and he hasn’t even touched me.

Would he?

I might be able to work my charm a bit and he could come around. It worked every other time that I’ve needed his dick.

I roll my eyes. I’ve turned into some male horn-dog. Oh my God, I am such a horn-dog.

Fucking hormones.


I look over at Luca and he’s looking at me as if I should be locked up in some nut house. With the way my moods have been swinging lately, I probably should be.

“Are you okay?”

I take a deep breath. I walk into the bedroom and shut the door. Oh great, what am I going to do now? Kidnap him? That thought has crossed my mind more than once.

“Hadley.” He uses that tone when he knows I’m up to something.

I sashay over to him and his eyes grow wide. He knows I’m going to flirt with him. He’s been with me for ten years. Luca, of all men in this world, knows my tricks.

“I need another favor.” I can hear the lust in my voice already.

“No.” His voice is firm, but I hear the crack in it. He wants it, too.

“Luca, I haven’t had sex since our last time. Please, I will get on my hands and knees to get laid this moment.”

Luca can’t hold back his smile, and I know his testosterone is thinking of a blowjob.

“Fine, I’ll do that, too,” I giggle. “Please, Luca.” I pout a little bit.

He shakes his head. “It’s not a good idea.”

“Fine,” I snap. I cross my arms and pull out my final weapon. “I’ll call one of those male escorts numbers. I’m sure I can pay someone with your money to take of my needs.”

Luca’s eyes turn a darker brown. I can see how jealous he is. He’s never had to worry about me cheating on him, but he’s still jealous when guys talk to me. “What?”

“I think you heard me.”

Luca towers over me. “Hadley.”

“Luca,” I pant his name and he’s still not touched me

“You’re still mine.”

Before I can say anything, he grabs my face and kisses me. God, Luca can kiss. Since the first time he ever touched my lips, I haven’t wanted anyone else to ever kiss me.

“Luca.” I break away from his lips. He rests his forehead against mine. “Please, don’t make me beg. I know I’m not as thin–”

“Baby, you’re wearing too many clothes.” The lust in his eyes matches his gruff tone.

“Then do something about it.” I step back, playing his game.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance