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I look at the mirror and fluff my red hair. My eyes are puffy from all the crying I’ve done since I sent Luca the ultrasound picture. I thought he would at least send a reply. Mama and Papa almost busted through the phone when I sent it to them. Mama cried and I even think Papa may have shed a tear. It’s great that they are so happy.

On the other hand, my hormones are about to kill me. I’m crying at commercials with a happy family. I screamed at my iPad when the battery died. I even yelled at my swollen feet when I couldn’t get my shoes on.

Fucking hormones.

Now, I’m fat and being forced to go to a dinner meeting with Mr. York and a potential sponsor for THN. I don’t want to go, but this is part of my job. I’ve done it a hundred times before, but I’m so fat.

Ugh! I give up. My green shift dress and matching flats will have to do for tonight.

Mr. York and Mr. Taylor pick me up in a limo. Nothing like being in the back of a limo with two billionaires discussing their children and grandchildren. Of course, I smile and laugh when needed. Mr. York is hovering over me worse than a mother hen, but it’s sweet to see a man care like I know Papa would do if he was here.

We walk into the steakhouse and the smell of the grease and fatty meats make my stomach roll. Oh please Hockey Gods, don’t let me get sick right now. I had my crackers and ginger ale, which actually works, right before I came in. I stand by the door as Mr. York and Mr. Taylor run to the bar to grab a quick drink. Two older men in their sixties, drinking scotch that’s older than I am, nothing like a typically, stereotype man.


I pale as I turn and see Luca standing there.

“What are you doing here? Dressed like that?”

“I don’t look bad, and your hair is messed up,” I snap at him, causing a couple people to turn around. Luca narrows his eyes at me. He doesn’t like when I talk about his hair. He’s worse than me.

“Hadley, dear, our table is ready.” Mr. Taylor touches my shoulder as he walks by.

“You’re on a date?” Luca hisses at me and I see the rage in his eyes.

“Are you fuck–” I stop and quickly, my pregnant brain goes into overdrive. “Is that what you think?

Are you jealous, Luca?”

“I can’t believe you. I can’t believe that you’re dating when you’re pregnant.”

“Oh, now you want to claim our child. Great. I’m happy you came around.” I could spit nails right now, I’m so mad. “I’m sure you had plenty of bunnies in your hotel room. I bet you’re a regular Carson Lee.”

“Hey–” Luca gets closer to me, but Mr. York cuts him off.

“Zotov, I didn’t know you would be joining us.”

“He’s not, Mr. York.” I step in between. “Luca had just stopped by to grab a take out order. Isn’t that right?” I turn back to him.

“Um…” Poor Luca looks confused.

“Well, we need to get back to Mr. Taylor. I want to make sure he writes a check for THN before we finish our steaks.” I smile sweetly at Mr. York as he laughs.

“No, Zotov needs to join us. It’ll help.”

Luca opens his mouth to protest, but Mr. York puts up his hand. “This isn’t a suggestion. Hadley.” He nods at me and heads to the table.

I cut a look at Luca and he isn’t any happier than I am. I should be happy about this, but right now, all I feel is hunger pains and rage. Well, more hunger pains than anything.

“It’s a business meeting, Luca,” I soften my tone. “I don’t want anyone but you. I’ve only ever been with you, Luca. You know this. You know it’s only you.” I push my tears away as I head to the table and put on my fake smile.

Luca follows me because he can’t defy Mr. York since he signs the multi-million dollar checks Luca cashes.

At the table, after introduction, we keep the focus on hockey and business. Mr. York doesn’t mention the fact that Luca is the father of my baby or that we are engaged. Well...were engaged.

The stars were aligned for me tonight when Mr. Taylor took a call and had to leave early, but not without telling us that he would love to sponsor THN.

The four of us stand by the valet. The limo is first. I take a step toward it, but Mr. York turns around. “I’m sure you want to ride home with Luca.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance