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“Oh, the OB/GYN called and your first ultrasound will be next Thursday.” Amy hands me the print out from the email.

“Next Thursday.” I look at the calendar and if the Bucks win tonight that would put game three here in Omaha. The Bucks wouldn’t have home ice advantage this time around no matter which team they played. This means Luca could come.

Amy and I finish up our day and I head home. I hate this house without Luca. It’s too big. I told him that the first time we looked at it, but he loved it the moment we walked in the front door. I could see it all over his face.

I pick up some takeout and find several boxes on my porch when I get home.

Maternity clothes. I’m outgrowing everything already and I needed to buy new outfits. I hate this part of the pregnancy. Most of the books I read told me that I should gain anywhere from twenty to forty pounds.


Hopefully, I can lose it quickly after the baby arrives. I can’t imagine not being able to wear my skinny jeans. I will be a mom now, but I will still be a hot mom.

As I’m flipping through the mail, a large envelope catches my eyes. It’s from Luca’s lawyer. I can’t remember any contract coming due, but it’s addressed to me.


I open it up and it’s child support and guardianship papers. Luca will be financially responsible for the baby, but is giving all guardianship rights to me. He even waived his visitation rights. My heart sinks. I never wanted his money. I want him to be part of our child’s life. I want him to want to be with me.

I continue to read through when the last paragraph catches my eyes and sends my blood boiling. I actually see red with rage as I reach for my cell phone and call Luca.

The second he says hello, I begin to yell at him.

“How dare you, Luca Zotov? How dare you have your lawyers ask for a paternity test? You know damn well this baby is yours.”

“Calm down, Hadley.” His voice is soft, but stern. “It’s routine

, not because I doubt it.”

“Don’t tell me to calm down!” I continue to raise my voice. “I come home and see all these papers that make me feel like I’m some slut after your money. This didn’t have to go through lawyers. I never wanted your fucking money, Luca. You know this.” I begin to sob. I have to grab a paper towel from the kitchen because the tears are coming so fast.

“Baby, don’t cry. I know all of that. I just wanted to help in the one way I know I can. That’s it. It’s nothing more than that.” His voice is low and I can hear sadness in it.

“You can help by coming home. That’s how this would help.” I hear his silence, and I continue, “Not money, not giving me all the rights. You, Luca. I can’t believe you went to lawyers. I thought you knew me better than that.”

“I also thought you didn’t want kids!” he yells back at me.

“Fine. Whatever,” I growl at him and my temper rises. “If you want to believe that I’m some fucking puck bunny who falls at every hockey player’s feet, then fine. But you know I’m not and when the DNA test comes back and shows it’s yours, then you need to remember this moment, because it’s the one where you lost your family!” I breathe heavily because I didn’t stop yelling at him.

“I know it’s mine! That’s not the issue. It’s standard. God, Hadley, I’m not that cold-hearted.” His voice is as loud as mine.

I don’t say anything as I sob harder. These fucking hormones. Am I yelling at him because his lawyers are trying to protect his ass because that’s what they’re hired for or because I miss him?

“I never thought you were cold-hearted. Someone like that wouldn’t send crackers and ginger ale to the woman carrying his child. I just...I miss you, Luca. I miss us. I need you here. I feel like I’m spinning out of control.”

Luca sighs deeply and I know that he’s calming down as well. “I miss you, too, but it doesn’t change anything.”

I ignore his jab and try to see if I can reach him a little more. “I have a doctor’s appointment Thursday. Do you want to come?”

“No,” Luca’s answer is abrupt and he hangs up.

Chapter Ten


“LUCA! Luca!” Valeria’s voice is muffled as her screams pierce the air. “Help! Save me, Luca! Help!”

The frigid air engulfs my body, stinging my skin; it’s so cold. I turn in circles, trying to pinpoint where she is as she continues to scream. There’s a fast pounding noise, too.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance