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That’s not going to happen.

“Now,” Mama steps up to us. “Is someone going to tell us what’s going on between you two? Or, do I need to pry it out of you both?”

I knew that she would be the one to figure it out. Nothing gets past that woman.

“You don’t have to pry.” Luca’s voice sounds deflated. He must be as tired of pretending as I am.

“Hadley isn’t wearing her engagement ring,” Papa points out. “You two looked miserable through dinner. And don’t act like we haven’t noticed it. Did you two break up?”

I’m wrong. Maybe Mama isn’t the only one to figure it out.

“Yes.” There’s no reason why I need to hide it anymore. They both know something is going on.

“Why?” Mama gasps and her face shows how shocked she is by my answer. “What happened?”

Luca doesn’t say anything, but looks at me. Oh, hell no. He’s not going to pin this on me. There’s no way. I may have been the one to tell him to leave, but he’s the one that wanted me to have an abortion.

I cross my arms. “Do you want to tell them?”

“Luca, tell me now.?

?? Mama’s voice is stern and I’ve never heard her take that tone with him before.

Luca glances down at the ground, unable to face his mother. “She’s pregnant,” he whispers so low I almost miss it.

Mama and Papa gasp, look at me, and then look at my belly.

“Then why did you break up?” She looks confused. “This is amazing news.”

“Luca, tell them.” I take a step away from him. I’m not going to be the one to tell his parents why he has done what he’s done. This is on him. I’m not the bad guy this time.

Luca looks at his parents. “We broke up because she’s pregnant. She wants the baby and I don’t. I’m happy to see you two, I am, but I don’t want to get into this right now.”

“Luca Zotov,” Mama’s voice is low again and I actually fear the way she’s looking at Luca. “Are you telling me that the son I raised is abandoning his child and his fiancée?”

Luca takes a deep breath and looks at me for a quick second before turning back to Mama. “Yeah, I guess so.”

Mama takes a step closer to Luca. I didn't even see her hand come back as she slaps Luca across the face. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands.

“I did not raise you this way!” she yells at him. “You never turn your back on family, especially your child. How could you do this to Hadley?”

Luca doesn’t even rub his face and I see the red outline from his mother’s hand.

“Mama, let’s leave him.” Papa pulls her away from Luca, but her eyes are still pinned on him. “Hadley, we’ll stay with you if that’s okay.”

I nod at Papa and look away from Luca. “You’re always welcome in my home.”

Chapter Eight


I’ve never felt more alone than I do right now. As I lie on the bed of my hotel room, I realize this is probably how the rest of my life will be unless a miracle happens, and I decide I actually want Hadley’s baby. Mama and Papa love me, but they’re going to be there for Hadley. I’m glad, I really am, but I’m not sure where that puts me. Once again, I’ve hurt my parents.

Worst of all, I hurt Hadley. I walked away from the love of my life and I’m living out of a hotel because we created a life. How can doing something that wrong be the right thing to do? Because it is. I know it is. Hadley and my parents just aren’t thinking clearly enough to see it.

I’m half asleep when my phone rings. The caller ID shows that it’s my father.

“Hello?” I say.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance