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“What’s wrong? Is she alright?”

“She’s getting worse. I’ll have to go see her soon.”

“Do we need to go now? I mean, if she’s asking for you, you have to go.”

“No, it’s okay. Darcie said she’s sleeping right now. She’s not asking for me.” He chuckles. “Turns out, she’s wanting to hang out with Tommy.”


Carson quickly changes the subject to Mike and a new endorsement that’s in the works. I tease him, saying that soon he’ll be more famous than David Beckham.

“He played soccer. I’m a hockey player.” He shakes his head.

I can’t help but laugh at him. “I know the difference.”

Carson tells me about how he’s ready for the season to start and show everyone how much the team has improved over the summer. The younger players are really stepping up, and Carson thinks the Cup is in the near future. I have learned one thing about Carson in the time we’ve been together, the Cup is very important. Even if it looks like a giant cereal bowl. It’s his number one goal, and I have to admire his determination for it.

We finished up our food and start to clean up. It’s comfortable with Carson in my home. I don’t feel like I have to impress him, or I have to cater to him. It’s like he wants to be here with me, even though this isn’t a massive mansion with a hockey rink and all that. However, he’s here, and I like it a lot.

“Aren’t you going to invite me to stay over?”

I tilt my head. “Do you want to? I mean, my bed is nothing like yours.”

“Are you going to be in the bed?”

“Well, yes.”

“Then it’ll be fine.” He winks.

“When did you become so poetic?”

“What? I’m always this way.”

I burst into laughing, knowing that he isn’t the biggest romantic in the world. “I hate to tell you this, but I’m really tired.” As much as I want to feel him inside of me, I’d probably fall asleep on him.

“That’s fine. I’ve had a long day too. Let’s just relax with each other and go to bed.”


I change into my pajamas and Carson sleeps in his boxers. When I curl into his side, the only thing I think about is: can I do this every night?

Carson’s and my relationship isn’t the typical Lifetime movie type. He’s an ass, very blunt, and wants what he wants. He also handles his emotions very differently than most. With all that, I still see the kindness in his smile, the care in his eyes, and the love in his heart.

And he’s all mine.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


“Looks like I was right.”

I glance over at Tyler. “About what?” There’s a pause during drills, so we’re all standing around doing nothing at the moment.

“You settling down with your big birthday. You are still seeing Kinley, aren’t you?”

“Yes, and you were not right. You asked a question. You would have been right had you predicted it. Actually, I think you said I would be Hugh Hefner, so you’re way off,” I chuckle. For a moment, his comment about settling down gets to me. Is that what I’m doing with Kinley? Settling down? Not that it really matters either way because I’m happy with my relationship with Kinley and I don’t want that to change.

“It is weird that you’re a one woman man now,” another guy adds.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance