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More than anything, my father’s death feels like the door to my past has closed. I have the picture of my mom and that’s all I need from those years ago. It’s about time I start keeping my focus on what’s ahead of me instead of what’s behind me. Between Kinley, Mike, and even Gracie, I’m sure I can do that and be a better person.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


I sit at the kitchen table, staring at the contract. Who does this Ashton Campbell think he is? These hockey players. I shake my head. If I was still in Utah, I would knock on his door and punch him. I guess he’s not going to work for LSMP.

I tore through as many emails as I could. Trying to make sure that I have everything scheduled that needs to be, making sure hotels are booked and reservations are made. I quickly call Cassie.

“Hello, how’s my new head photographer?”

Cassie laughs. When my promotion was offered to me, Cassie was also offered a job. She now takes all the photos for my campaigns. It’s more money for her, and she was able to quit her other job.

“Fine. I just got all your emails. Thanks for that, by the way.”

I ignore her snarky comment and dive into work mode. I make sure that she has everything she needs for the next shoot.

“Kinley, yes, I have everything. Don’t you have a hot hockey player to go play with for a while?”

“He’s busy. So, I have to play with you.” I laugh.

“Well, I’m about to play with this guy from the accounting department. I’ll call you later.”

I shake my head at her when she disconnects the call. I turn off my laptop and pour a glass of wine. I curl up and turn on ESPN. Football season is about to begin, and even though I’m somewhat a hockey girl now, I still love my football.

The knock on the door pulls me away from the training camps stats, and a smile crosses my face when I look through the peephole.

“I’m sorry, I don’t believe that I ordered Thai food from a hot hockey player,” I say when I open the door.

“Well, your boyfriend thought you may be hungry, considering he hasn’t see you a lot lately.” Carson winks.

I giggle letting him come into my apartment. He sets the food on my kitchen counter, while I clean off the table to have a place for us to sit. “I wasn’t expecting you, or I would have cleaned the place up.”

“I missed you, and I thought I would surprise you.” He kisses my templ

e, setting the plate down. “Should I have called first?”

I lift one eyebrow at him and slap his shoulder. “No, you don’t have to call to come over. I don’t do that to you. I was simply saying the place is a mess because I’ve been so busy.” I grab a beer from the fridge for Carson and sit down next to him.

“So, I’m taking it that work is going well.”

“It’s very hectic right now. Your campaign is really taking off. The build up for fashion week is really insane.”

“You’re going to be gone that whole week, right?”

I nod, taking a bit of my noodles.

“Between the season coming up soon and your work schedule, we’re going to have to do more sexting.” He chuckles.

“It’s always about sex with you, isn’t it?” I shake my head.

“I haven’t heard you complain one time.”

I don’t say anything and continue to eat. He knows damn well that I’m not going to say a single thing about our sex life. Mainly because it’s really the best I’ve had. His phone begins to alert him, and he looks at the screen funny.

“Everything okay?”

“Yes, but no. Darcie sent me an update on Gracie.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance