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“Before long, you’ll be taking on all the football stars.” Carson chuckles at me.

I continue to stir the corn, not saying anything. When my boss called me into the office today, he gave me two options. One, I could take on a smaller account in the football division, or two, stay with the hockey players. LSMP plans on contracting more players in the next few months but leave Carson as the ‘face’ of the campaign. I have until tomorrow at noon to make my decision.

The problem is, I don’t know what I want to do. Yes, it’s my dream to be in the mix of football players, but I wouldn’t be able to spend much time with Carson. Plus, it’s not like Carson and I are a serious couple. I mean I don’t think we’re anything really. We’ve not even been on an official date. I know this didn’t count as one, since I lost a bet.

Carson tells me all about his meeting, and he’s excited about this project coming up. He’s even more thrilled about camp starting up in a few weeks. I keep listening as I check on all the food. I grab my glass of sweet tea and lean against the counter.

“You know,” Carson comes over to me, “you look pretty fuckable standing there.”

I throw my head back, laughing. “Never heard that before.”

“That’s because you’ve been with all the wrong guys, sweetheart.”

He grabs my glass and sets it down, and then picks me up, sitting me on the counter.

“Do you trust me?”


“Humor me, okay.” His voice is tough.

“Fine.” I give in to his game. “I trust you.”

“Close your eyes.”

I smile, and I do what he says.

“Open your mouth.”

I do, becoming anxious of what is about to happen. I hear the fridge open, and Carson steps back to me.

“No peeking.”

I jump at the sound and feel of the canned whipped cream that fills my mouth. Just when I’m about to close my mouth to swallow it down, Carson grabs my face and uses his tongue to scoop out some of the cream. He then kisses me and the sweet cream overflows from our mouths.

“Man, you’re so fucking hot.” He has whipped cream on the corners of his mouth.

“You’re just saying that because I told you were the best lay I ever had.” I wink at him. I jump at the sound of someone clearing their throat behind us and there stands Elliott, staring at us.

“Sorry to interrupt. I knocked, and the door was unlocked.”

I quickly wipe my mouth and so does Carson.

“What do you need?” Carson’s voice was stern.

“I need you to sign off on these permits, and then we’ll be all done.” Elliott holds up a few papers.

“Sure.” Carson grabs his pen and signs them.

I catch Elliott looking at me, and I turn away from him. I hope he didn’t hear what I said, even though it’s not a lie. I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feeling.

“Thanks, Mr. Lee.” They shake hands.

“No problem, and I passed your name on to a few friends. They should be calling you soon.”

Elliott nods and cuts me a look, but doesn’t say anything when he leaves. I jump off the counter and stir the food again.

“You okay, sweetheart?”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance