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“You told Mike I was ‘almost pleasant,’” I remind her. “What does that mean?”

“It means that those two words are a nice way of saying you’re a pain in my ass.”

“I don’t recall you telling me that when I was in your bed the other night. And that’s a nice way of saying it.”

“I was saying that about your professionalism.” She pauses. “Not any other activities.”

“So my professionalism is what sucks? I was on my best behavior the entire time, you know.” And I was. I wasn’t the source of any troubles, I pretty much kept my dick to myself, and was on time to everything.

“I highly doubt that. However, I wasn’t rating you on anything else. Now, are we still on for tomorrow?”

“Depends. What’s your rating on everything else?”

Kinley groans and then whispers, “Are you really wanting me to say this right now?”

“Yes, I am.” I laugh. “It’s only a rating, Kinley. I’m not asking you to talk dirty to me yet.”

“Of course, you would go there.” After a moment, she says, “Fine, everything is about average. Happy now?”

Average? “Not even close. I’m a bit disappointed honestly. I would’ve rated you higher than average.”

“Hang on.” I hear her shuffling around, presumably leaving the room. “Are you aware that I’m at my parent’s house having dinner?”

“Yes, but you answered, so…”

“Fine, your bedroom skills are the best I’ve ever had,” she rushes. “Does that make you happier?”

“Happier than you could imagine. Tell your parents ‘hi’ for me.” I smirk.

“I will, and am I still going to cook tomorrow or not?”

“Of course you are. Send me a list of what you’ll need. And don’t forget about dessert.”

“I am the dessert, Carson Lee.” The click of the call disconnecting follows her words immediately.


It should be no surprise to me whatsoever that when I do get that grocery list, it comes in the form of an email. That girl and her emails. There should be a rehab for people like her. I print off the list, scanning over it to see if I might actually have any of these items here already. The only thing I have is stuff to make sweet tea. A grin quickly appears when I see one thing in particular.

Chocolate syrup.

Never would I have expected that I would be sleeping with Kinley Wright. Or for her to be so much fun. It’ll be interesting to see where things go. My keys nearly fall from my grasp at the thought. See where things go? What have I done to myself to be thinking such a thought? I shake my head, oddly remembering the things that Mr. Wright said. My plan is to test these new waters, so to speak, and not run from the challenge before it really is too late.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


I look around the kitchen, hoping that I haven’t forgotten anything. I ran through my mental list and it’s all there. I have everything on the stove and in the oven. I check my watch and realize that I’m not late. Carson is in a video meeting with another endorsement, so I have a little time to kill. I flip open my laptop and run through some emails that I have. The campaign is going to be amazing, and my boss is loving it.

The art designers had sent me some of the shots that had been fixed up. I couldn’t believe how amazing these shots were. Cassie knew exactly when to catch the light just right, and Carson looks like he was made to be a model for LSMP.

“Now that’s a good looking guy.” Carson wraps his arms around my shoulders, kissing my cheek.

“Yeah, he’s okay.” I joke, hopping down from the stool, going back over to the stove.

“I have a feeling this is going to be a big hit.” He still is on the laptop looking at the rest of them.

“My boss thinks the same thing.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance