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“Sorry, I wasn’t sure what to order for you.”

I wave my hand as if it isn’t a big deal. “It’s fine.”

He flags the waitress down, and I order a beer too. We are quiet for a moment before I can’t stand another moment of it. “Cassie told me you’re a doctor. What field?”


“Oh, that’s interesting,” I lie. Who would want to touch people’s feet all day?

“Cassie said you work in retail.”

“Well, I’m a campaign director for LSMP,” I clarify for him. I don’t just work in retail. Geesh, he acts like I work at the GAP.

“I’ve heard of them. What are you working on now?” He keeps looking around the room and not at me.

“Um, nothing huge.” I can tell this date is going to hell. I’m thankful I have a beer in front of me and damn near chug it.

“Wow, flashback to your sorority days, huh?” Jackson smirks at me.

“Excuse me?”

He chuckles. “Cassie told me that you two were in a sorority together, and with the way you were drinking, I was wondering if you were having a flashback?”

I smile politely. “No, I was thirsty.”

We talk for a while, but it’s mainly about the weather, celebrities, and the decor of the bar. This date is a total bust, and I make the excuse of an early morning meeting.

“On a Sunday?”


bsp; Crap. “Yep, the clothes business is a twenty-four hour job.” I stand up and he helps me with my coat.

Jackson walks me to the car, and I’m hoping that it will be a simple hug because I don’t want to kiss him. The two beers he bought weren’t worth it.

“I did have a good time.”

He did? Well, maybe it’s all the girls’ asses he was ogling that made his night.

“It was a pleasant evening. Bye.” I jump in my car quickly and speed away.


No way in hell am I ever talking to him again. I don’t care if he is a doctor. My phone begins to ring, and I hit the button on my steering wheel to answer it.

“Kinley!” I hear someone scream from the other side.

For the first time tonight, a real smile appears on my face. “Where are my girls?”

I hear a bunch of my sorority sisters yell the bar they’re at, and I turn to the left, heading to them.

Into the wee hours of the night, my sisters and I dance, do shots, and laugh until it hurts. It’s exactly what I need before I have to dive into all the work ahead of me for this campaign.

Let’s not forget that I need to start going to hockey games too.

Chapter Ten


Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance