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“Hey, Carson.” I lift my head at a girl’s voice. This time, it’s a brunette and I remember seeing her dancing earlier. She sits next to me, placing her hand on my thigh.

“Hey. You’re not someone’s girlfriend, are you?”

She giggles, shaking her head. “No, I’m not.”

“Good. Having fun?”

“Yeah, I guess.”

My head tilts to the side at that. “You guess? Oh, sweetheart, that’s just not going to work.” She smiles, but I have a feeling we’re thinking of two different things. I’m not ready for my night to end, so she’ll just have to stick around until I am. “Tyler!” Where the hell is he? The girl looks disappointed. I lean over, kiss her, and then tell her to stay awhile.

Standing, I go to find Tyler and a couple of the guys. They’re by the bar, surrounded by more women. I slap him on the shoulder.

“Wanna race? I’ve been informed my party is getting boring, apparently.”

Tyler grins. “Hell yeah.”

We grab two other guys and run up to the house to my garage. After getting the keys, we crank the four wheelers and drive back down to the rink. The rumble of the motors and our absence has brought some people outside.

“Y’all know the route as good as I do,” I say, standing up. “Losers cough up a thousand bucks each for the winner. Deal?” Everyone nods at our usual bet. I find the brunette in the crowd and point to her, curling my finger so she’ll come over. “Want to count us off?” She grins, nodding. “Good. I’ll get you off later.” I wink before sitting back down.

The guys laugh and shake their heads, but it stops as the girl starts to count. We take off, heading for the trail we use when we ride. I end up behind Tyler, but am able to gain speed faster than he can after we round a curve to pass him. I keep going full speed until I cross our imaginary finish line first. To celebrate my winning and being $3,000 richer, I do a couple of donuts. When I finally stop, I pull up beside the girl, helping her up behind me.

I glance at the guys. “I’ll collect Monday, boys. See y’all later.”

Then the girl and I ride up to the house, going straight for the bedroom once we get there. Could my birthday get any better?

Chapter Nine


“How do you talk me into these dates?” I growl at Cassie through my speakerphone.

“Look, you’re making me go to Utah during one of my busiest months to take pictures of a hockey player, so you’re going out on this date.” She disconnects the call.

I toss my phone on my couch and head to the bedroom. I can’t believe that I’m going on a blind date. I usually don’t do this type of thing, but I haven’t been on a date in almost two months. I flip through my dresses in the closet and try to find something that’s classy and not trashy. It’s not like a have a lot of seductive clothes, but I may have a few hiding in the back.

I settle on a light purple wrap dress. It’s cool outside, so I pair it with my black trench coat. My hair is down and I put in a few curls. I even leave my makeup light and roll my eyes because it’s time for me to go.

I didn’t want the guy to know where I lived, so we agreed to meet at the restaurant. All I know about him is his name is Jackson, and he’s a doctor at a local hospital. Cassie said he’s very cute, but we don’t always see eye-to-eye on the definition of ‘cute’.

I fluff my hair as I walk into the bar and grill. I assumed that we would go to a nice eatery, but I guess he likes the more relaxed atmosphere. I look around the room, hoping to see the guy in a black blazer, and of course, there are like twelve guys like that.

I try to remember everything Cassie told me, and I think I see him. I walk up to a guy, but he said he wasn’t him.


I turn at the sound of my name. “Jackson?”

“Hi.” He sticks out his hand, and I shake it. “I have a table over here.” He leads the way.

Jackson isn’t bad looking. He’s tall, and I can tell he works out, but nothing like Carson.


I don’t want to think about him at all.

Jackson pulls the chair out for me, and I remove my coat, taking my seat. He sits across from me and already has a large beer in front of him.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance