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“But do you realize that this means I’m single now and I don’t have someone readily available for sex?”

Allison looks up at me. “Let’s ignore the fact that you’re implying you actually slept with that guy. You’ll be fine. Besides, you have a hockey hunk living next door. Better make the most of that.”

I roll my eyes at her. “No, thanks. I have enough problems with him as it is.”

She laughs. “Still acting crazy?” When I glare at her, she laughs again. “Let’s go to that men’s store. My dad’s birthday is coming up. I have no clue what to get him, so I’m going with a tie. It seems like he wears the same one every Sunday to church.”

“You go to church, Allison?” I ask, slightly surprised.

“Enough to know that Dad needs a new tie.”

We head across the mall to the store, which sells an array of suits, ties, shirts, and even shoes. Allison starts looking, muttering at one point, “This one is just ugly.”

There doesn’t seem to be a lot of people in here, but when my eyes land on a familiar face, I immediately turn the other way. Brody does not need to see me here. Allison picks up two ties and holds them up.

“Selene,” she starts. “Which one do you like better?” Her eyes widen a little as another voice speaks.

“I like the one on the left. Don’t you, Selene?” Brody asks from behind me.

Great. I’ve been spotted! I withhold my sigh and turn around. “Brody, what a surprise. I’m just tagging along with my friend, Allison.”

“Nice to meet you,” Allison says, holding out her hand, which Brody shakes.

“You too. You know, Selene, you pop up everywhere I go.” He’s smiling slightly, like now he finds it funny. “First the diner, then my bushes, and now here.”

“Your bushes?” Allison questions with a laugh.

I look at her over my shoulder. “I was trying to get Bonkers.” Facing Brody, I add, “Allison is here shopping for a birthday present for her dad. Didn’t we establish that I’m not a stalker already? In fact, if I was going to stalk someone, I would pick Kris Miller. He seems like more fun.” I pat his shoulder before walking past him. “Let’s check out, Allison.”

She follows me with the tie that Brody picked to the cashier. While he rings her up, she looks over her shoulder and giggles. “You totally stumped him, Selene. He almost looked confused that you would pick the defenseman over him. That was good, girl.”

“Good. I had to say something. I do keep running into him, though. At least he doesn’t seem as freaked out anymore.”

We finish up in the store and on the way out, she says, “Why didn’t you tell me he found you in his bushes?” She starts cracking up again.

“It was embarrassing and he scared the crap out of me. Then he looked all smug when Bonkers came to him and not me. I didn’t need to relive that.”

After another round of laughs, she lets it go. We decide to eat out and Allison starts to tell me about how since it’s a big birthday for her dad, they are planning a big surprise party for him. She suspects that he knows about it already though.

“Mom can’t keep a secret to save her life. I’m positive she’s somehow told him without meaning to. So he probably knows.”

“Yeah, but he’ll act surprised, won’t he?”

She nods. “He’ll put on a show for Mom to let her think he’s really shocked.”

“That’s sweet.” When Allison starts talking about the holidays, I stop her. “It’s October. There’s still Halloween and then Thanksgiving, and you’re already talking about Christmas?”

“Hey, it’s the perfect time! It’s a busy time of year that needs lots of planning and preparation.”

“Well, we’re not putting a tree up in the office until a week after Thanksgiving.”

“A week? You’re crazy.” She laughs.

“Maybe so. I should get going, though. Bonkers has been home by himself enough for today.”

We pay for our dinner and then go our separate ways with Allison calling after me to stay out of Brody’s bushes. I shake my head at her. There’s no way she’ll ever forget that. When I get home, Bonkers starts running around like crazy. Back and forth from the living room to the kitchen and then in circles around me.

“What is wrong with you?” I ask as I open the back door to let him out. He runs in wide circles before finally going to take care of business. It feels pretty good outside, so I go inside, grab something to drink and a ball to toss, and I go back out to sit in the chair. Bonkers runs up to me as he catches sight of the ball in my hand. His tail is wagging furiously. “Wanna play?”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance