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I nod at her. Maybe she’s a loyal fan. “Bonkers! Come!” I yell. Instantly, the dog appears at my feet, waggin’ his tail and trying to climb up my leg. I bend down, pick him up, and he licks my face.

“Damn dog,” she mutters.

“It’s all in the way you call him.” I hand him to her.

She nods. “Yeah, I’ll have to remember that. Have a good night, Brody. Oh, and good game. That was an awesome block shot in the second.”

“You go to all the games?”

“Yep, I’ve been a season ticket holder for as long as I could work and afford the tickets.”

“Glass seats?”

She busts out laughing. It’s a sexy girly laugh. “Please, who could afford them but millionaires? Plus, those aren’t where the real fans are.” Then she stops instantly. “I meant, they’re just really expensive. Um, I’m in the three hundred stands.”

“Is that where the real fans sit?” I wonder why she would say something like that.

“Just how I see it. The people around me have been my hockey family for years.” She shrugs. “It’s where I feel most at home.”

The streetlight shines on her face, and I can see the sadness in her eyes. There is something that she’s hiding.

“So, you go to the games alone?”

“Well, I buy two sets of season tickets, but the seat next to me is always empty.” She looks down at the ground.

“Why? Do you not want anyone next to you?” I slightly chuckle.

She doesn’t say anything. For a moment, I think I’ve hurt her feelings.

“Have a good night, Brody. Thanks for getting Bonkers for me.” She turns and heads across the yard.

I stand there for a moment, looking at her house. Everything about our conversations is strange. I don’t think about it again as I walk inside. I’m tired, and I’m still feeling the block shot that I took in my chest. I take my jacket off and go to check my cell and see what I missed while I was playing. I had a text from Jessica, asking if I’m coming over later.

Me: I’m tired from the game. Maybe another night.

Jessica: If I told you I was naked, would that help?


much as I want to have sex, sleep sounds a lot better at this moment.

Me: I’ll take a raincheck.

Jessica: pouts Fine. Call me soon.

She knows very well that I’ll call her when I’m ready.

Chapter Five


Bonkers is driving me crazy. I’m almost to the point of thinking that Bonkers likes Brody more than me! I bought a new lock for the gate today because somehow the one I had kept jiggling free to where Bonkers could push it open and get out. Not anymore. Brody, my favorite player, can’t think I’m a crazy person, but nothing is working in my favor to prove that.

Right now, Allison and I are at the mall for a little shopping spree. She felt that this would be the perfect way to celebrate breaking up with Mick. Allison is on the opposite side of a rack and we’re flipping through some clothes as a thought occurs to me.

“Allison, we’re celebrating getting rid of Mick-”

“The sleaze,” she interrupts.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance