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The sun is brightly shining in my room when I leap up. I haven’t seen Selene, and I want to check on her before she leaves for work. I brush my teeth, throw on some clothes, and race out the back door.

Like clockwork, there’s Bonkers, chasing his tail in the backyard. I love that silly dog. I whistle, and he stops, looking at me. He practically jumps the fence to get to me. I laugh at him, when my eyes catch Selene standing at the back door with a coffee mug in her hand.

Her hair and makeup are perfectly done, and she’s dressed in a gray pantsuit. The purple blouse brings out her dark eyes. I wave at her, but she gives me a tight, thin smile back. This isn’t going to be as good of a morning as I first thought. She turns her back to me, and I put Bonkers down, heading to her.

“Good morning,” I say brightly hoping that I’m reading her wrong.

“Hey,” she says back with not much expression, walking over to the counter.

“Um, did you sleep well? I missed you in my bed.” I put my arms around her waist, kissing the back of her neck.

“Yep, slept great.” She pulls away from me. Yep, she’s mad.

“Selene, what’s wrong?” I ask, not sure if I want to know the answer.

There’s sadness in her eyes when she finally looks up at me. I know what’s coming. I’ve seen that look, just one other time in my life.

“Brody, this isn’t working. I thought being a booty call was going to be simple, but now we’re in a relationship, and you’re expressing all these feelings to me. I can’t handle it all. Let’s not forget your crazy ass, pregnant stalker, who seems to be everywhere I turn.” She turns her attention to her feet, and my heart breaks.

“So, what are you saying?” My voice cracks a bit. Great, another person I love trampling all over me.

“I can’t, Brody. I honestly don’t want to deal with this. My love is hockey, my job, and my dog. This,” she looks up at me, “is ruining all of my true loves, and I’m not going to let it.” Her voice grows serious, but the tears creeping up in her eyes.

“Selene,” I beg, walking closer to her. “Please don’t do this to us.” I swallow back the lump of pain in my throat. I’m not going to lose her.

“Brody, there is no ‘us’.” She air quotes to me. “We were fuck buddies, and you let your feelings get in the way of that.”

“You have no feelings for me whatsoever?” I challenge her. I know better than that.

She stands there, not breaking eye contact with me, saying nothing. She can’t say the words because she knows there are feelings. She expressed so much to me on our date, and I want that Selene back. I want my Selene.

“Goodbye, Brody.” Selene crosses her arms.

“I’m not leaving.” I mirror her stance.

“Please, Brody. You can’t stay with me. It’s not going to work. And,” she pauses, closing her eyes.

“What?” I push for her to tell me.

She opens her eyes and one lone tear falls. “Being in that arena is home to me. That’s the one place where my memories of Stacy are the strongest, and I won’t lose that. Even for you, Brody.”

Another tear falls as I realize she’s right. I can’t hurt her any further. I love her too much. I step closer, thinking she’ll move away. When she doesn’t, I reach for her hand. I guide her to me and cup her face.

“No matter what you think or feel, I love you. I love you like no other person in my life.” I softly press my lips to hers, and I feel them quivering. The saltness of the tears now streaming down her face contrasts with the sweet taste of her berry lip gloss. When I break the kiss, I lay my forehead on hers. “I’ll wait for you.”

It’s the last words I say to her before walking out the patio door. I hear her sobbing, but I can’t turn back. I slam my back door with all my might, and I thought I had broken the glass for sure. My emotions are running in every direction, and I want to punch something.

“She broke up with you?” Bradley questions from behind me.

I whip around to see my twin brother, eating cereal at the table. “Did you know?”

He shakes his head. “No, but I got the feeling it was coming.”

“Thanks for the heads up, ass!” I shout at him.

The jerk chuckles at me. “Don’t get all pissed with me, you’re the one that caused this. No one else.”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance