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“Let’s eat our dessert before it melts.”


“When was the last time you went to one of Brody’s games?” I ask Bradley as we take a seat in my section.

“Last season. What the hell are you eating, Selene?” Bradley looks completely disgusted by my hotdogs and milkshake.

“Do you not have these delicacies in your home country?” I laugh.

“It’s gross,” he answers, ignoring me.

So I ignore him and eat my traditional meal. My mind wanders to last night. Brody made me feel like a pampered princess by the end of the night. After our dessert, we joined the couples on the dance floor, swaying to the music. He held me close and there wasn’t a need for an exchange of words. When we returned home, Bradley was back. Brody murmured in my ear something about kicking him out

, but we didn’t. I wouldn’t let him.



“Thanks for coming with me.”

He smiles. “You thank me too often, Selene.”

The lights dim, dragging our attention to the ice. “I’m going to use the restroom before the game starts.” Bradley nods and I make my out. There are still people mingling about. I’m halfway to the bathrooms when my eyes land on an unfortunately familiar face coming towards me.

Jessica. Wearing the same Ross jersey as I am.

What is she doing here? The second our eyes meet, she grins. I turn on my heels, narrowly avoiding running into a man, and hurry back to Bradley without looking back. My steps are quick. I can’t get back to my seat fast enough. My brain keeps telling me that I’m not running from her. I’m simply keeping her from ruining my night. This is my place. My home. Not hers. She won’t take this from me. She can’t.

“That was quick,” Bradley comments as I sit back down.


I don’t want to tell him she’s here. No need to mess his night up too. As long as she stays away, we’ll be fine. The puck drops, immediately dragging me into the game. Thank goodness. I honestly don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t get lost in this game. I don’t see my Brody on the ice, though. The captain of the Indiana Mustangs is on the ice, nothing more, nothing less.

We win, Brody scoring one of the goals, and Bradley goes on to drive us home. The rush of the game leaves me, forcing my thoughts back to Jessica. The weight of the entire situation weighs on me. It tires me out. Last night was wonderful, but it was a night where she wasn’t a problem. We can’t keep ignoring the looming trouble. It has to end. Very soon.

Without waiting for Brody to get home, I go to my room and fall asleep quickly with Bonkers nestled against my chest.

Chapter Twenty


“Where is Selene?” I ask when I walk into my house. Bradley is sitting on my couch, watching some horrible reality show.

“She pretty much blew past me to get away and into her house,” he says matter-of-fact.

“Well, what did you do to her?” I growl at him.

“Calm down. I think she just wants some time alone.” Bradley slaps me on the shoulder and walks up the stairs.

I pull my phone from my pocket and send Selene a text.

Me: I’m worried. Are you okay?

Selene: I’m asleep. I’m fine. We’ll talk later

I don’t really like the tone of the text, but she’s okay. Maybe Bradley’s right and she needs time alone. I sigh in defeat because I really want to run over there and be with her, but I know better.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance