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“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were going to, uh, look like Brody,” I manage. “Please, come in.”

Just then Brody reemerges and I’ve never been more thankful. I made a fool of myself already in front of his brother. He greets Bradley with a wide smile and a big hug. I stay by the door, wondering how I’m going to be able to make up for gawking at my boyfriend’s brother in disbelief and like he was a yummy piece of meat. The boys turn towards me now that their reuniting is over.

“We’re good looking, we know,” Bradley says with a laugh.

I give him a little glare. “I wasn’t prepared, that’s all. We can go sit in the kitchen.” I start that way and ask over my shoulder if he would like something to drink.

“Yes, please.”

“I’ll get it, Selene,” Brody tells me.

That leaves me no choice but to sit down with Mr. Look-a-like. Bonkers lays at my feet, not at all thrown by the fact that there are twins in my kitchen. “Did you have a good trip?” I ask because I have no clue what else I’m supposed to do.

“Yes, I did. Thanks for asking. Brody said you two were having a little trouble, so of course, I had to come help my little brother.” He smirks.

Brody sets his drink down in front of him and then sits next to me with a shake of his head, but he’s smiling a little. “Three minutes, Bradley. And it’s not a little trouble we’re having either.”

Both of their smiles are gone. I reach over and take Brody’s hand. “Did you already tell him?” I ask.

“Yeah, except for last night.”

“What happened last night?” Bradley asks with concern.

Brody’s jaw clenches. “She showed up here again. Said a bunch of nonsense and told me that it wasn’t over and wouldn’t be until I was with her. We’ve both got restraining orders against her.”

“Then you don’t need to talk to her. If she comes near you, you call the cops. Let them deal with her. That’s the purpose of the order,” Bradley interrupts.

“I know. I just didn’t expect her to be as fucking crazy as she is. I almost thought I got through to her last night, but I didn’t. That’s one reason why you’re here. Since I can’t be here with Selene all the time, I wanted someone I could trust to be with he

r until we get this mess settled.” Brody runs his free hand over his face and in that moment, I can see how much this is affecting him. He looks tired and worried.

I bring our hands to my lap and cover them with my other hand in hopes to soothe him a little. Brody looks at me with a small smile.

“So what exactly do you want me to do?” Bradley questions, taking his attention away from me.

“As long as Selene is okay with it, you’re essentially her bodyguard. I want someone with her at all times and at the first sight of Jessica, call the police. You’ll go with her to work, shopping, wherever. If I’m not there with her, you are. We don’t know what Jessica will do, but she’s made threats and I don’t want to take any chances with Selene.” At this, he squeezes my hand. “If I’m on a trip, I prefer you stay the night here with her.” Brody faces me. “Does that sound okay with you?”

Even if I wanted to argue, which I don’t, I know that Brody wouldn’t allow it. I nod. “Yes, and I can fix the guest bedroom. Are you sure we’re not intruding on you, Bradley?”

“Of course not. I’d do anything for my brother, which means I’ll do anything for you too. Plus, it’s good to get away from work for a while.”

“Well, thank you.” I’m not sure how it’s going to feel to have Bradley near me all the time, but we need Jessica out of the picture and until that happens, he’s here. I do know one thing for sure. I already feel safer.

Chapter Sixteen


I sit on the bench and look out at the ice. Practice is over, but I can’t seem to leave the rink. I think about the past month and all that has happen. Buying a house, dumping Jessica, and now being stalked by her. I think about Selene. The way her dark hair spreads out on the pillow when I lay next to her. The way she cuddles with me on the couch. The way her dark eyes sparkle right before we have sex. The way her laugh makes me smile. I love everything about her.


There it is again. The word that I thought I would never say to anyone. The only kind of love I have ever felt is the love of hockey. Being on the ice is what I love. Until now.

“I figured you were still here.” I look up to see Kris walking over to me on the bench. “You shouldn’t be alone until your stalker is taken care of.”

“Do you really think my stalker traveled all the way to Boston?”

“Did your stalker show up at your girlfriend’s house and go bat-shit crazy?”

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance