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“Out,” Brody repeats.

Bonkers jumps off the bed and leaves the room. Brody presses his hips into mine, watching me carefully for a reaction.

I smirk. “You’re going to have to do better than that.”

He chuckles and leans back. He hooks his fingers into my panties and tugs, so I lift my hips for him to pull them off. Brody scoots down on the bed, putting a hand on each knee, and spreads my legs. He looks at me with a hungry grin before he begins to kiss down my thigh.

Heat pours over my body. “Brody, I want you,” I half-heartedly protest.

“You’re going to have to do better than that.” He throws my words back at me as he continues to kiss me, getting closer to where I’m ready and wet for him.

The second his hot mouth touches me, I let out a deep, breathy sigh. He licks and sucks, blissfully tormenting me with his tongue and then both his tongue and fingers. Brody keeps pushing me higher and just when I’m on the brink, he stops to kiss his way up my stomach. My chest rises and falls with each pant, but all I can think about is having him inside me. Maybe I really am selfish.

I don’t wait for him to finish his journey up my chest. I tug him up, making him chuckle, and my hands reach for his cock only to hit clothes.

“What the fuck?” I grumble, my hands frantically pushing his boxers down. Brody opens his mouth, but before he can say anything, I shake my head. “Now. I need you right now.” I’m already having to keep my hips from lifting to make contact. Brody grabs a condom from my nightstand. I take it, rip it open, and roll it on him. For a moment, my hand runs up and down his shaft before guiding him into me.

This is what I wanted. His cock fills me perfectly, my hips bucking up to push him further inside. That’s all the persuasion Brody needed. He thrusts into me harder, and I yell out his name. He pauses, pulls out to tease me with his tip, and I tell him to roll over. Brody lays on his back, and I quickly move over him. My hand finds his cock once more, so I push him back into me. I lay my hands on his chest for balance, his hands grabbing my hips, and I start to move up and down.

I’m slow at first, my head falling back at the feel of him in me, but then I bounce up and down faster. His fingertips dig into my hips. Brody uses his hold to bring me down harder.

“Oh God, Brody,” I moan, clenching around him.

The pressure increases, both us us getting tighter, and then Brody lifts his hips to slam into me as I come down on him. We hit our release at the same time. Ecstasy rolls through me in waves, wiping out all my energy as I lean forward to rest on his chest. We lay there in silence for a few minutes. I have no urge to move at all. My entire body feels weak, but satiated. Brody lifts me slowly, pulling out, and then lays me to the side before he gets up to clean himself up and throw the condom away.

Now I’m the one sprawled on the bed. When he comes back, I say, “I wish we could have sex all day, every day.”

Brody laughs. “We can once we retire.”

“Looking forward to it.” He puts his boxers back on and then some pajama pants, but he doesn’t get back in bed with me. “What are you doing?”

“I’m starving, Selene. I’m going to go fix breakfast.” He leans over, kisses my forehead, and adds, “You stay here as long as it takes for you to get your energy back. If you’re still here when I get done, I’ll bring your food up.”

“Maybe I’ll stay here anyway, so I can have breakfast in bed,” I say, almost in retort.

“Whatever you want, baby.” He grins and then leaves me.

I do end up having breakfast in bed. We both take a shower before watching movies together, deciding that we don’t need to leave the house today. Brody talks to his lawyer a couple of times throughout the day and each time, it dampens my mood. I’m leaning my hip against the kitchen counter, watching as he plays with Bonkers in the living room. I came in here to refill my drink, but I got lost in observing him. He notices, gets up, and comes into the kitchen to stand in front of me, grabbing my hips.

“What are you thinking about?” He frowns slightly and I wonder if I look upset.

I bunch the front of his shirt in my hands, smiling up at him. “You. And I was feeling pretty lucky to have you here.”

“Was?” he questions.

“I meant that I am. C’mon. Let’s go finish watching the movie.” He lets me drag him back to the couch where Bonkers jumps into his lap. I think Brody has stolen my dog from me. We watch crummy movies for the rest of the day. It feels good to be able to relax and do nothing all day.

Brody gets up to use the restroom. It’s about six, and I’m getting hungry again. A knock sounds at the door. Fear ices my blood. I shouldn’t be scared by someone knocking on my door, but I am. God, I hate that girl. Part of me wants to wait for Brody, but the knock comes again. I get up and open the door slowly. Bonkers rushes to the man, wagging his tail like crazy.

His face is clean shaven, his eyes the same blue, and his lips the same shade of red as Brody’s. I can hear noise from the bathroom, so I know this can’t be Brody. Besides, his hair is shorter than Brody’s. My mouth opens, but no words come out. The man’s eyebrows lift. He’s waiting for me to say something, but I got nothing. He’s Brody’s clone.

“Hey, you must be Selene,” he finally says. “I’m Bradley. Brody’s brother?”

Oh. Oh. That makes sense.

“We’re twins,” he adds.

I knew Brody had a twin brother, but I had forgotten they were identical twins. Holy hell, there are two of them. Two perfectly hot humans that look just alike, but my brain starts picking up on the subtle differences. Bradley’s hair is shorter, his smile lopsided, and his lips aren’t as full as Brody’s. When he clears his throat, it hits me that I’ve been staring.

Tags: Lindsay Paige Oh Captain, My Captain Romance