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I shut my phone off. There was a pretty good chance she would try and call as soon as the message went through, and I didn’t want to deal with that right now.

“Everything okay?” Em asked, sliding into the passenger’s seat.

“Sure. Just going through the texts and missed calls,” I said dryly.

“I brought a disposable with me.” Em grinned. “I left my actual cell at home. I knew I’d cave if Deb got through to me. This way, I can’t.”

“Clever,” I said with a smile. “Kinda sneaky, but clever.”

“I can be sneaky.” She smiled, buckling up her belt.

I snorted.

“What?” she said, her tone indignant. “I can be.”

“Bullshit. You are way too much of a good girl,” I teased.

Her cheeks colored as she leaned over and hit me. “Shut up. Ask Andy how much of a bad girl I can be,” she shot back.

“I’d rather not.” I made a face and she blushed an even deeper red.

“You have a dirty mind. I wasn’t referring to anything sexual.”

“Okay, repeat what you said to me in your head. Do you blame me for thinking that was sexual?” I chuckled as she went red again. Fuck, she was adorable.

She burst out laughing. “I guess not.” She glanced around. “So where are we going, anyway?”

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched her as she gathered her hair up in a loose ponytail. Just when I thought she couldn’t get any more beautiful . . .

What would things be like after Andy was gone? I hated admitting it, but I was terrified about our friendship changing. The only thing worse than not having her as my girl was losing her altogether.

I’d never lost anyone. I had no idea how death would change our dynamics. Would seeing me remind her of Andy? My heart ached at the thought of not having her in my life.

“Seth?” Em raised her eyebrows at me.

“Huh? Sorry,” I muttered. “No, I’m not telling you where we are going. But I will tell you that first we are going to get some dinner.”

“And what’s for dinner?” she asked suspiciously.

“Hamburgers?” I suggested. “There is a great little diner not far from the beach house.”

“Hamburgers sound nice.” She smiled. “Seth?” she hesitated. “Do you mind if we have dinner and then go home? I don’t really feel up to anything right now.”

“Sure,” I said, trying to hide my disappointment. It made sense that she’d want to be with Andy while he wasn’t well. And besides, the carnival would still be there tomorrow.

Andy might not.

Chapter Nine


Monday morning, the first thing I did was call work. I told them I was sick and wouldn’t be in. I had a few cases coming up which I knew I’d have to finis

h the reports for and send them to my boss, but that could wait until later. Right now, Andy was all that mattered.

After a pretty good night’s sleep, he was up and smiling. He had more color in his face, and I could see glimpses of my old friend in his eyes.

“Want to get drunk on the beach?” I asked Andy.

Tags: Missy Johnson Love Hurts Romance