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“Your type of peace and quiet I’ve been handling for years, my sweet.”

Diana took the arm he offered. “Were I you, I would be more concerned with one of them attempting to make it appear as if you compromised her.”

“Yes, there is that, too.”

He couldn’t help but think of Diana’s flight to Italy after the same thing happened to her. Except she hadn’t been the one who’d planned the discovery of them together. It had been Viscount Stratford, eager to get his hands on Diana’s money. She’d been wise to refuse to marry him. The man would have made her life miserable.

But she paid the price.

There were only two days left to gather information before they returned to London. So far he’d not seen any of the staff speaking with a guest, except for the normal interaction one would see at any house party.

He’d taken to wandering the halls at night to see if anyone had left their room to consult with a staff member. All he’d gotten for his trouble was frustration at the arousing sounds coming from behind the doors. House parties were notorious for bed partner switching.

Prowling the corridor, all he could think of was Diana in her bed, soft and warm and dressed only in a nightgown. And under that nightgown were curves he’d seen, even if they were not completely accurate. He had to stop torturing himself.

He would be happy when this blasted party was over.

The next morning, Hunt helped Diana into one of the carriages, and they were immediately joined by Lady Eunice and Miss Allison.

He offered a slight bow. “Good morning, ladies. It looks like a perfectly pleasant day for a trip into town.” Hunt smiled at the two girls, hoping they did not plan to tag along with him and Diana.

“Yes. This is delightful weather,” Miss Allison agreed.

There were several carriages transporting the guests to town. All those who planned to enjoy the outing had arranged themselves in the various vehicles. Diana’s companion, Mrs. Strickland, had apparently decided not to join the group, which was fine with Hunt. He didn’t really care for the woman, and he hoped to have some time alone with Diana.

“Say, I hope you don’t mind if I join the group,” Nelson Connors said as he climbed into the carriage and sat next to Diana. With the two young ladies across from them, it would have made more sense for him to sit there, instead of crowding him and Diana.

Hunt’s jaw tensed as Diana shifted a bit, so she and Connors were not touching. She’d already made it perfectly clear to the man that she was not interested in him or the idea of a dalliance, so what was his game?

At least it wasn’t a long ride into town, so Hunt concentrated instead on the lack of progress in

the investigation. He didn’t like to fail and the prospect of returning with no name frustrated him.

* * *

The carriages began to roll away from the manor in a line. “Where are you off to this morning?” Diana asked the two young ladies across from them.

Both girls looked in Hunt’s direction. He looked out the window.

“I don’t know, actually. There is just so much to see. . .” Miss Allison continued to gape at Hunt who maintained his interest in the scenery.

Lady Eunice had no qualms in getting what she wanted. “Where are you headed, my lord?”

Hunt faced her but, before he could answer, Diana said, “Oh, his lordship has promised to accompany me to the bookstore. I understand it is a wonderful one for a small town.”

“Yes, that is what I hear,” Lady Eunice mumbled.

“I’m sure you’ve been there many times. It would be boring for you,” Diana said.

Lady Eunice narrowed her eyes at what she must have considered a sabotage from Diana. “Actually, I have never been there.”

“I agree, bookstores are boring,” Mr. Connors said. “I suggest you two ladies join me in a walk to the Roman ruins. That is much more interesting.”

Diana was thrilled. She wanted some time alone with Hunt, and Mr. Connors had just provided the perfect excuse. “Yes, do go with Mr. Connors to the ruins. I’ve already seen them, and I believe you will be as fascinated as I was. I’m sure Lord Huntington and I will be in the bookstore for some time.”

Apparently, Mr. Connors now had his eye on one of the young ladies. It was known that he had a problem with drink and gambling, which was why he most likely needed a wife with deep pockets to continue his lifestyle. As far as Diana knew, both Miss Allison and Lady Eunice came with nice dowries.

As they continued the ride, Diana had a hard time not noticing Hunt’s closeness. She had automatically shifted toward him when Mr. Connors entered the carriage and sat next to her. It was a good idea at the time, but now she was trapped next to Hunt, captured by the heat coming from his body and the enticing scent from his bath soap.

Tags: Callie Hutton The Rose Room Rogues Historical