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She offered him her hand. Two red scratches marred the otherwise porcelain skin. And yet it crossed his mind to bring it to his lips and place a chaste kiss on her creamy-white knuckles. Feeling a sudden flutter of nerves, he took hold of her fingers, ignored the slight tremble and examined the soft tips.

“The position at Morton Manor—” Christian stopped abruptly and suppressed a grimace. He’d survived two years without that name falling from his lips, and yet he’d spoken the words aloud twice in a matter of minutes. “Was it to be your first post?”

“It was.”

“And yet no one is in residence.”

“No, my lord. There’s a housekeeper, a maid and a few other servants.”

“And who is your employer?”

The maid hesitated. “It is not for me to discuss his lordship’s business.”

Christian remained silent while he studied her. Rose had obviously fallen on hard times and had no choice but to work. Everyone in the village complained about the servants at the manor. Some called them rude. Others preferred the term vicious. A woman of Rose’s delicate nature would be a prime candidate for abuse.

“And what of your history, Rose?”

“My personal affairs are not open for discussion, my lord. Please direct me back to the manor, and I shall leave you in peace.”

Peace? This woman’s sweet smile and bright countenance would haunt his dreams.

It was as he suspected. A tragic family story had left her with no means of support. Had a brother with a gambling addiction squandered the funds? One thing was certain. He’d suffer eternal damnation before he’d let anyone with half an ounce of decency work in that iniquitous den.

“What is your employer paying you? Perhaps I might match it in the hope you’ll accept a position here. After all, we are in dire need of help.”

“Paying me?”

“I assume you’re not working out of the goodness of your heart.”

Rose’s bottom lip quivered. “Erm … eighteen pounds.”

Christian bit back a chuckle. “Is that not steep for a housemaid with no experience?” He couldn’t blame the woman for trying to haggle another pound or two.

“Not for a maid with an excellent education,” Rose countered.

He was about to say what use is knowledge when it comes to sweeping the grate, but then it occurred to him that he was also short of a governess. Of course, he’d have to observe the woman carefully before agreeing to unrestricted access to his children.

“Then I offer you twenty pounds per annum to work here, and one new dress and bonnet to wear to church on Sundays.”

Mrs Hibbet gasped.

“Rest assured, Mrs Hibbet. I shall increase all other household wages, too.” It was the least he could do under the circumstances. None of his staff had complained about the current working conditions. “We shall meet this afternoon and discuss the matter.”

“Thank you, my lord.” Mrs Hibbet clutched her hands to her chest. “Poor Matilda is struggling to clean the rooms and do the laundry.”

“Then the increase in wages will convey my appreciation.” He focused his attention on Rose. “Well, will you take a position here?”

Silence ensued.

If she only knew of the horrors that had occurred at the manor, she wouldn’t hesitate to agree to his offer.

Rose finally nodded. “I will accept the position on two conditions.”

Christian sat back in the chair. Never in all his years as owner of Everleigh had he bargained with a maid. He doubted the six viscounts before had, either. “What are your terms?”

“I ask that a groom accompany me to the manor so I may inform them of my new situation.”

Christian nodded. It was a fair request. Had she not asked for an escort, he would have insisted upon one.

Tags: Adele Clee Lost Ladies of London Romance