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“Did you actually ask him what he wanted?”

“Of course I asked him.”

“You gave him options?” Angelo asked. Fuck. He was supposed to be on my side.

“Not exactly, but he could have refused.”

“That would’ve gone over well,” Lucien muttered.

“As if you let Peter make any decisions.”

“He likes me being in charge of things.”

Angelo and I both laughed. Lucien liked to think he was completely in control, but Peter had him wrapped around his finger. My cousin would do anything for his man, just like I would do anything for Joe.

“You could have at least told me what you had planned,” Lucien said, looking more hurt than angry now. “And Sabrina… It’s going to be a while before she forgives you.”

I blew out a long breath. “I know she would’ve wanted to plan a big ceremony and an overblown reception, but you know I’m not patient, and I’ve never done things the way we’re ‘supposed to.’” I used my fingers to make quotes around the last words. “Did you really think marriage would be an exception?”

“I didn’t think you’d ever actually get married and certainly not before me.”

“Is that what this is? A contest? You’re not mad I went and did something behind your back. You’re pissed I got to be the first one in the family to do something for a change?”

“Devil, don’t.” The warning in Lucien’s tone was loud and clear. “You know that’s not what this is about.”

I knew I was pushing too hard, but I couldn’t stop myself. “Isn’t it? You like to be in control, and you weren’t in control of this.”

“As much as I may wish things were different, I’ve resigned myself to knowing no one really controls you.”

“Tell that to Joe’s dick,” Angelo said under his breath. Lucien glared at him, but I could tell he was fighting a smile.

I didn’t bother to argue because Angelo was right. “I wish Joe was here controlling me with it right this minute, but I’m stuck here with the two of you. Can we get on with our business?”

“Of course,” Lucien said much too easily. Now he really was smiling. That wasn’t good. He was up to something.

“Our first order of business is discussing our plans for the evening.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “You know my plans for the evening.”

Angelo snorted. “I’m sure we’ll all get to listen to them.”

“I do know your plans for the evening. They include attending the dinner at DiGiulio’s Sabrina is planning in celebration of your marriage. All of us will be there, well dressed and ready to celebrate.”

He couldn’t be serious. “What? How could she plan something that fast?”

Lucien’s smile was positively evil now. “It’s easy to plan something quickly when your nephew owns a restaurant and can get whatever he wants.”

Angelo shook his head. “Did you know I had to keep him from dragging Joe into the bathroom at the courthouse? Do you really think they’re going to sit there quietly at dinner?”

“I don’t expect Devil to be quiet—that would require a fucking miracle—but he is going to let his aunt celebrate the shit out of this milestone in his life, and he’s not going to leave early.”

I groaned. “You’re doing this to punish me.”

“Are you suggesting I’m punishing you by making you wait a few more hours to drag Joe to bed?”

“I’ve had to wait all damn day.”

“After this morning, it ought to take you that long to recover.” Angelo was going to have to watch his back after today.

Lucien held up his hand. “I don’t want to hear a damn thing about whatever happened this morning.”

Angelo snorted. “Like I haven’t run into you and Peter often enough. At least Devil usually keeps it in his room.”

That was it. I was getting Joe a house for a wedding present. There was no way around it. We needed our own place where we could be as loud as we wanted to be and it wouldn’t matter if I fucked him on the kitchen counter since no one could walk in on us. I would start looking tomorrow.

Lucien focused on me again. “I’m not punishing you with this party. I’m still considering exactly what the consequences of your actions will be. I agreed to the party to help Sabrina get over this blow to her sensibilities.”

I snorted. I knew Sabrina was truly upset. She would’ve wanted to be involved in planning my wedding—so much planning—but she was hardly a lady with delicate sensibilities. If she wanted to tell me off, I knew she would do it in person. She didn’t need Lucien to stand in for her. “I’m surprised she isn’t here.”

“You can thank me for that,” Lucien said. “The only reason she didn’t come down here to tear you apart for your thoughtlessness is that she’s busy planning this evening’s dinner.”

Tags: Silvia Violet M-M Romance