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When he finally pulled his hand away, I was relieved to see a deep gash rather than a hole where a bullet had penetrated.

“I was just grazed. It’s fine. I mean, yeah, I might need a few stitches, but it’s not a big deal.”

“It might become a big deal. I’ve never given anyone stitches before.”

“You could do it, or I could. Either way we’d manage, but after I was hit, I called Lucien. He just texted me that Giorgio is on his way with Oren.”

“Is Oren the one who was in the Army with X and Giorgio? The guy who lives like a hermit?”

“Yes, and he’s the best tracker I’ve ever met. Also, he’s not quite as much of a hermit now that he’s got himself a man.”

I nodded. “That can change a person… or not.”

Devil snorted as I helped him to his feet. “We’re both stubborn as fuck, and we always will be, but maybe we should learn to talk some more. Promise me next time someone’s trying to kill you you’ll let me know.”

I sighed, and we took a few slow steps toward the cabin before I responded. “I promise, and next time you get the urge to kidnap me, you should—”

“But the kidnapping worked out so well.”

“Right. You just got shot.”


“You just got injured. There’s a serial killer with a personal vendetta against me running around in the woods, and a young man is dead and tied up in our shed. You have a cleanup crew, an assassin, and a tracker on the way and you call that a success.”

“I know most people have boring honeymoons, but I assumed you wanted some excitement.”

I blew out a long breath. “I think I would’ve managed with just the sleigh ride.”

Devil leaned against the outer wall of the cabin as I opened the door. “I’ve got so much more planned for us. I mean, unless once we’ve done away with this fucker you don’t want to stay.”

“If a little thing like a serial killer having me in his sights would scare me away, it wouldn’t make much sense for me to be married to you.” He huffed as I helped him into a chair. “How long before they get here?”

“At least you’re not arguing about me bringing in backup.”

“We need help. I know that.”

“Maybe if you’d—”

I pressed a finger to his lips. “This is not the time to catalog my faults.”

Devil smiled. “Then why don’t you clean out my scratch, and we’ll see if I really need stitches.”

I looked up and realized how pale he looked. “Sweetheart, you need to lie down.”

“Yeah, I think I do.”

His quick agreement made my stomach flip-flop. “Can you make it to the couch?”

“I’ll get blood all over it.”

“I don’t give a fuck about that. We’ll buy the owner a new one.” I helped Devil stretch out on his good side.

“Do Giorgio or Oren have medical training?”

“They’re bringing Dr. Maness with them. We can trust her.”

“Damn, that’s… I mean, it’s great, but…”

“You’re still not used to all my family can do, are you?” His smile made me worry a little less.

“I’m going to need more time to get used to it.”

“They’re using X’s plane. They’ll be here in about two hours.”

“Good.” I wanted Devil checked out, and we needed to move quickly against Donaldson. If he’d killed once to taunt us, I had no doubt he’d do it again.



Somehow I managed to hold myself together as Joe cleaned my wound, but it hurt like fuck. Afterward, he brought me water and snacks, then encouraged me to sleep, forbidding me to get off the couch for any reason. He even took my phone so he could listen for Giorgio’s call.

I pretended to hate him fawning over me, but I actually found his concern adorable. His insistence that I rest worked because some time later, I woke to the sound of his voice.

“That sounds good. The doctor showing up alone won’t be a big deal. Donaldson will guess he hit his mark, and if he’s watching the cabin, we won’t risk him seeing you.”

I tried to sit up and gasped. “Fuck, that hurts.”

Joe scowled at me. “Lie back down. Jesus.”

“Is that Giorgio?”


I held out my hand, indicating Joe should hand me the phone. Instead, he put the call on speaker.

“Giorgio, where the hell are you?”

“Fuck, Devil. Is that anyway to talk to your rescue party?”

“It’s only been two hours,” Joe said. “He couldn’t get here any sooner. We were just saying it might be best for Giorgio and Oren to set themselves up someplace close by until we have a plan. We don’t want Donaldson to see them here.”

“Our best chance is to take him completely by surprise,” Giorgio added.

I considered this. I wanted them here. I was far from helpless, but I had lost a good amount of blood, and I wasn’t at my best. I wanted someone to protect Joe, but they made a good point.

Tags: Silvia Violet M-M Romance