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The housekeeper's gaze flickered with uncertainty. "I expect so."

"I'm glad we agree. In that case, I think this would be as good a time as any to discuss your future."

"My future, Mr. Cameron?"

"I'd like you to decide if you want to stay on here, or if you'd be happier working for someone else."

Alice jerked back in astonishment. "Why, I've never considered-

"Consider it, then," Cole said, his voice hardening. "I know you're fond of Peter and that he's fond of you but I'll make other arrangements, if things aren't easy for everyone around here. Have I made myself clear?"

The woman swallowed. "Yes, sir. You have."

"Good." He smiled. "How is Peter?"

"He's fine, sir. Still sound asleep."

"We'll let him sleep, then, while you make us some breakfast."

"I never eat breakfast," Faith started to say, but Cole ignored her.

"Do you still make those great biscuits?" Alice's smile softened. "Yes, sir, I do."

"That's what we'll have, then. Your biscuits, scrambled eggs, bacon and coffee. Lots of coffee." He looked at Faith.

"How does that sound, darling?"

"I told you," she said stiffly, "I never-"

"Well, you will, today. It's the start of our honeymoon." He swung her up into his arms. Caught off guard, Faith gasped and struggled to free herself. Cole only held her tighter. "That's all right," he said softly. "Alice understands. Don't you, Alice?"

"Yes, sir. Uh, Mr. Cameron?" The housekeeper's voice followed them up the stairs. "The boy from the hotel brought over that suitcase. I put it just where you wanted, in-"

"In our room," Cole said softly, just loud enough for Faith to hear. "Right where it should be."

Faith held her tongue until he'd elbowed the bedroom door shut. Then she pounded a fist against his shoulder. "Put me down!"

"My pleasure," he said, and dumped her on her feet. "What kind of performance was that?"

"A necessary one."

"It was ridiculous!"

"Use your head, Faith." Cole's carryall stood in the middle of the floor. He picked it up and put it on the bed. "Alice would wonder what was going on if we didn't behave like newlyweds."

"She's wondering what's going on as it is." Faith glowered at him. "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm getting undressed."

God, he was! He pulled his shirt out of his trousers, opened the buttons. The shirt landed on the bed. On her bed. She stared at Cole's wide, muscled shoulders that flowed into powerful biceps; the hard chest with its inverted vee of chestnut hair. Her mouth went dry. She didn't want to remember, didn't want to feel those emotions ever again.

"Stop it!"

His brows rose. "Excuse me?" It sounded polite but it wasn't. The words, the look on his face, were a challenge.

She glanced at his shirt lying on her bed. "This is my bedroom!"

"It's our bedroom, baby. Get used to it."

"I am not sharing a bed with you, Cole. You signed an agreement-"

"Do you want this town to think you're my wife or don't you?"

"Frankly, I don't care."

"Peter will care." Cole's eyes narrowed. "Besides, I saw how Alice treated you."

"Oh, that," she said, as if it didn't matter.

"Yeah. Oh, that." His voice sharpened. "You're my wife. I won't tolerate anyone showing you disrespect."

Maybe he was human, after all.

"That's generous of you," she said carefully, "but I-"

"Generous, hell." He walked through the bathroom, opened the door on the far wall and peered into the small study that adjoined it. "You're mine, now."

"Yours?" she said incredulously. "Yours? I don't belong to anybody, Cole Cameron. You'd better get that straight."

He strode back toward her, caught her by the shoulders and took her mouth with his. She felt the power of his kiss, the heat of it ...and hated herself for the soft moan she couldn't prevent. Shaken, she could only stare at him when he finally lifted his head.

"You're mine," he said roughly. "Sooner or later, you'll admit it. And when you do, I'm going to collect." He picked up his suitcase. "Until then, I'll bunk on the sofa in the other room."

Casually, he strolled into the bathroom and shut the door. Faith snatched his shirt from the bed and hurled it at the wall. It didn't help but there wasn't time to vent her anger any more than that. As soon as she heard the sound of the shower, she stripped off her clothes and changed to shorts and a cotton shirt. She was brushing her hair when a tentative knock sounded.

Tags: Sandra Marton Billionaire Romance