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I licked my lips and took the head of his cock into my mouth, rimming the crown with a swirl of my tongue, teasing him gently with my teeth. The muscles in his thighs tensed, and his gaze darkened. When I slid him in farther, sucking long and hard, he swore harshly and low. “Fuck. Jill.”

The nice thing about sucking on Adam was how wet it made me. Every little thing he did had an answering reaction in me. He groaned, and my nipples hardened. A hand grabbed hold of my hair, urging me to take him deeper, to suck him harder, and my tummy tensed, my pussy tighte

ned. From the scent of him to the sight of him, the feel of him in my mouth and hands, it was all so good and real. Blood surged through him, making him heavier and harder. And the salty taste of pre-cum slipped onto my tongue.

“Baby,” he panted. “That’s enough. Up and on.”

With a final kiss to his cock, I climbed up his body, positioning myself just so. He guided himself into me with one hand, the thumb of the other playing around my clit, like I wasn’t swollen and wet already. Given the looks both heated and caring he’d given me all day, it was a wonder I hadn’t dragged him into a bathroom at David and Ev’s. Not that I thought his friends would have minded if we too had disappeared for conjugal relations.

But for some reason, I wanted him here in his bed all to myself. No need to hurry. No distractions.

The wide head of his cock pressed in as I pushed down slowly, savoring the feel of him. So thick and hard and… I gasped as he lightly pinched my nipples. I swear I blacked out for a moment. As if the fading high of the alcohol and the thrill of having him ready and willing beneath me wasn’t enough. His hands on my body, ramped my need even higher, just about driving me over the edge. I’d never gotten this hot for anybody before. Not even him.

“My beautiful girl,” he muttered before slapping me on the ass. “Ride me, Jill. Take what’s yours, baby.”

And I did as I was told. Slow to start with, rocking on him, taking my time. But that didn’t last long. The friction was too good. The sight of him sweet and obscene. Sweat beaded on both our skins, and his hands grabbed my hips, urging me on. Harder, faster, more. I slammed my pelvis down on him, taking him sure and deep each time. Electricity arced up my spine, my whole body alive with sensation. And the tension just built higher and higher. The pleasure seemed insurmountable, taking me over and driving me ever onward. I never wanted it to end. But I couldn’t hold it back either. The wave crashed over me, claiming me, body and soul. I was lost. Blind and broken. There were no other words for it. My body now limp and weak against his chest with his arms around me tight, it was all I could do to keep breathing.

“I think you needed that,” he said, voice low. Fingers stroked my spine, tousled my hair. They never stopped moving, soothing and exciting me both. Though that might have been the feel of him still hard and ready inside me.

Though I’d dragged him into the bedroom in search of sex. No confusing emotions needed or wanted, thank you. Penis in vagina fun times here only. It didn’t matter. I’d never felt so much before. Safe. Adored. Wanted. My fingertips skimmed over the firm warmth of his lips. The sharp cut of his cheekbone. The smooth soft skin of his temple. He watched me all the while. Just waiting.


“Hey,” he said. “Everything okay?”

I nodded. I’d lost my words again. Hell, I’d lost my mind.

Which was about when he flipped me, raising his big strong body above me, resting on his forearms. “Jill. Baby. You know I love you, right?”

I nodded, because I did know. I couldn’t look at him and not know it. It would be impossible. His love was obvious now in every look. In everything he did. There could not be one iota of doubt inside me regarding Adam’s love.

“Good,” he said.

And then he proceeded to fuck me into oblivion.


The roar of the audience filled the night, the strains of an electric guitar and the deep primal beat of the drums the perfect accompaniment. I sat on an amp to the side of the stage, watching it all. Sweat dripped from Adam’s long lanky frame, the smile on his face all-encompassing. Until he turned my way, that is. Then it got bigger, better, as he blew me a kiss.

“Thank you, Berlin!” He held his guitar aloft, starting on the opening of Mine. My new personal favorite from his next album. Not so much a love song as a having-sex-with-my-girlfriend-makes-me-very-happy kind of song. Each and every track on the album was about me and how I made him feel—in ninety-nine percent positive terms. Every couple had the occasional fight, after all.

In the three weeks we’d been on tour, things had been nonstop. Shows, promotion, and travel filled up almost every day. Occasionally, he’d get a morning or afternoon off to go sightseeing with me. Or we’d manage to slip away for a romantic dinner out somewhere. The other night, he’d wrapped a guitar string around my ring finger and tied it off before slipping it into his pocket. A measurement of my finger’s circumference. Paris was in a few days. I had a really good feeling about France. A scary large level of commitment that thrilled me as well. There was no turning back now. Not for me and apparently not for him either.

He finished up the song, and the crowd roared some more. When they started stamping their feet it sounded like thunder.

“Goodnight!” Adam raised a hand, giving his guitar to a roadie and coming toward me with a grin. “Hey.”

“Hey,” I answered back, smacking a kiss on his sweaty face. “That was amazing.”

“Eh. That was fun. You’re amazing.”

“You going to the festival afterparty?” asked Martha, appearing out of nowhere as was her way. The woman had skills. “There’re a few people I wouldn’t mind introducing you to.”

“We’ve got plans,” he said with no hesitation.

“Are you sure?” I asked. “I don’t mind either way.”

Tags: Kylie Scott Stage Dive Book Series