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The captain’s voice broke the spell. “We are over it. Feel free to move around.”

Cricket unbuckled her seatbelt, stood while covering her breasts, and smiled. “If you don’t mind, I need to dress.”

Instead of returning to the main cabin, Slade stepped in and closed the door behind him. The entire time, his feral eyes kept her in a trance. That and the bulge in his tight jeans. Badass biker werewolf was ready to join the mile high club. At this moment, she’d do whatever he wanted. Or should she remind him all was well? Still. Wasn’t her duty to keep him from shifting? Even if it meant breaking pack rules?

The minute turbulence rocked the plane, Slade’s stomach churned. Cricket. Had she decided to take a shower and bumped her head when the plane faltered? His wolf unleashed and opened the door. His heart steadied. She sat, the seatbelt strapped over her nearly bare body. She wore only a red bra and lacy red panties. His wolf howled. She looked so damn hot. He sniffed the scent of honey and rose petals. The sweet scent of wet pussy.

Her deer caught in the headlights look heightened the awareness of his hungry predator. Slade licked his tongue over his fangs. His still furred ears flicked. Despite the loud drone of the plane’s engines, he listened to her heart. With each beat, his cock grew. Her pupils dilated into globes. Her skin flushed. His little wolf desired him. Sexy.

Despite her low rank and forbidden wolf status, she charmed him to the point of no return. Beyond control. Did her ability to survive the change include sexual sorcery? His wolf demanded her. Demanded she never fuck other men, human or werewolf. Mine.

Cricket trembled and then rubbed her delectable smooth bare arms. “I better change before we experience any more turbulence.” She bit her lower lip and reached for her luggage.

Like a hawk swooping on its prey, he grabbed her and drew her in. His clawed fingers reached around her back and sliced through the red bra strap. It fell, pooling near her manicured red toenails. Her warm luscious breasts sprung out. Her peaked dark nipples submitted to his attention. His mouth salivated to nibble and suck each one until she screamed in ecstasy. He lifted her chin and focused on her tawny eyes. “The only turbulence you need worry about is my cock.”

Her eyes widened, and her lips parted.

A Hollywood vampire needed an invitation to enter, but not a werewolf. Slade captured her intoxicating mouth with hungry urgency. Swirling his tongue with her honeyed one. He growled in pleasure, and she rumbled her own sexy growl.

Cricket wrapped her hands about his face and moaned in passion worthy of an alpha she-wolf. The feel of her small but sharp fangs against his tongue brought the Yukon wolf out.

Fucking hot.

Slade splayed his furred hand over her round ass and crushed her body against his hard cock. He released her mouth and gazed at her swollen lips. “Kneel,” he said and set her on the bed.

She licked her ruby red tongue around her fangs and then shook her head. “This is forbidden.”

He grinned, his fangs fully extended. “Fuck forbidden.” He unzipped his jeans and freed his cock. “Lick your alpha.”

Cricket hesitated, but then growled and tongued his length with the loving care of a wolf cleaning the last bit of juice from a grilled steak. He gripped her soft curly locks and closed his eyes. He rasped, “Yessss.”

Cricket laved her tongue along his aggressive magnificent erection. Delicious. She trailed kisses down to his balls, stopping to nibble on his taut skin. Her tongue circled his balls as they pulsed in her hand.

“Where did you learn to fuck with your tongue?” His voice husky, more wolf than man.

“Imagination is the best teacher.”

Slade growled. “Answer me woman, before I…”

She stopped the domineering alpha by swallowing his length and sucking him into submission. He threw his head back and groaned. Claws extended.

Cricket continued. His release should stop his shift, but no. Giving him head did the opposite, bringing out his wolf. His chest lined with fur. Fangs protruded for combat. She’d never pleasured a werewolf, let alone a royal alpha. Was he going to go hybrid, half wolf half man on her? This was so wrong. Forbidden sex acted like overdosing on an aphrodisiac. Wetness dripped down her thighs.

Nothing could stop her now. She longed to taste his salty seed. She continued giving him head. He pulsed. So close. Soon.

He rasped, “Cricket. No.”

She opened her mouth and guided the throbbing shaft out. Shit. He came to his senses. “Please. I want to swallow your seed.” Ugh, I sound like a porno chick.

Slade gently pulled her hair back and burned her with his smoldering gaze. “I’m afraid you forgot protocol.” His claws returned to normal fingers.

Cricket’s lack of experience with werewolf sex came to a head, so to speak. She brushed back her tussled hair. “What?”

He sat on the bed and took her over his lap, pulled her panties down and spanked her three times.

His rough hand stung her ass. She yelped. Tears welled. What had she done wrong? Or was he punishing her for encouraging forbidden sex? Yet, if it was so wrong, why did her clit squeeze in pleasure?

She waited for the next spank, but instead, he gently rubbed her heated bottom. “Who gets to drink and eat first?”

Tags: Eva Gordon Team Greywolf Fantasy