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Just then the back door opened and John walked in, a large box of liquor bottles in his arms. He stopped when he saw us standing by the door, then looked lower to see the shards of glass and the blood on the floor. He set the box aside and rushed over to us in a matter of seconds, rambling about what had happened and looking at Rhea’s hand.

After telling him the story, he ran a hand over the back of his neck and exhaled. “We have to take you to the hospital, Rhea.”

“I can take her,” I said.

He shook his head. “No, I better since this happened at work and I’m her employer.” He smiled at Rhea and chucked her under the chin. “Besides, I feel responsible and want to make sure I hear everything.”

I nodded, understanding.

Rhea looked between both of us, this apologetic expression on her face, as if she’d meant to get cut and was saying sorry.

“What about my tables? Maggie can’t handle that crowd all by herself.”

“I got this,” I said instantly, even though I didn’t know the first thing about being a waitress. They looked at me like I might’ve been crazy and I smiled.

John looked a little apprehensive at first, and I knew it wasn’t because he thought I couldn’t handle it, but more because I would get overwhelmed. I was sure I would, but I could do this. If I could handle my grandmother’s crusty attitude on the daily, I could certainly handle a bunch of rowdy patrons in a bar.

“I got this,” I said again. “Go to the hospital and get your hand checked out.”

John nodded and then was heading out the back door. He stopped and looked over his shoulder, mouthing “thank you” before leaving with Rhea and closing the door behind him.

I cleaned up the shards of glass, then disinfected the blood. Adrenaline pumped through my body after everything was where it should be. Going over to the sink, I washed up and rested my hands against the basin, breathing out. It wasn’t like this was brain surgery. I was just going out there and giving drinks to customers.

Turning and heading out through the door that led to the main bar area, the scent of cologne, sweat, and beer filled my head. I looked to my left and saw the bar, a line of people around the raised, glossy top, drinks in front of them, the noise earsplitting.

Looking straight ahead, I saw every table filled to the max. Rhea hadn’t been the only waitress on duty tonight, but even with Maggie slinging drinks it was too much for her. The bar was filled to capacity, and already I could feel my nerves heighten.

Breathing out slowly, I gathered myself and went to the bar, ready to get this done. John had given me a chance with this job when I didn’t think anyone would. And Rhea had been friendly to me since day one. The least I could do was help out. Besides, it’s not like I couldn’t use the tips.

I went to the bar and started grabbing the drinks, taking note of where they went and making my way around the room. The music was blasting, filling my ears, already causing a headache, but I pushed past it and did my job.

I grabbed six large beers, set them on my tray, and all I could think about was falling on my ass and dropping the drinks everywhere.

I took another deep breath and focused, collecting myself.

Then I made my way toward the back where the drinks were going. I stopped for a moment when I saw the men at the table. They were huge, obviously tall even when sitting, their bodies bigger and more muscular than I’d ever seen before.

They couldn’t be human, not with their size, not with the air that surrounded them and the fact everyone seemed to stay away from their table.

Shifters. But what kind?

Wolves? Lions? Bears? Something more exotic?

I swallowed, my heart racing, my hands starting to shake. I held onto the tray tighter, my gaze landing on each of them.

And then I looked at one of the men in particular, his short dark hair slightly messy, his eyes so blue I could even make that out from where I stood. Something in me tightened, the blood rushed through my veins and I felt this pull in me. It was strong, the strongest thing I’d ever felt. It was this clenching in my belly, this realization that I knew him even though I’d never seen him before.

“Hey, I haven’t seen you here before.”

I turned and stared at the man who had just spoken, the stench of beer slamming into me instantly.

I smiled, the tray feeling heavy as I stood there, as if bricks were on top of it.

The drunk guy eyed me up and down, swayed a little as he held his beer, and grinned wider. “No, I’ve never seen you here before. You’re new.”

He took a step closer. “I can show you around, take you out, buy you some food.”

Buy me some food?

Tags: Jenika Snow Bear Clan Fantasy