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“Yeah. You could say that.”

“Do you and him like each other? Do you like - like him?”

“If you’re asking if I am romantic with him then fu—no. No way. I respect that he cares about your mom in the same way that I do.”

“Okay. I mean I would be okay with it if you guys did or wha

tever. I just think it’s cool I guess that you can be friends and both love mom and me.”

“I’ve always loved, Nikki. I will always be here for you. Nothing will ever change that. Now if you are out of questions, how about you go do that reading assignment you’ve been putting off all week.”

“How did you…?”

“Learn fast, pretty girl, I know everything. We have no secrets around here.” He laughs and Sophia scowls at him.

“Fine. I’ll be in my room so the two of you can be alone.” She rolls her eyes and grabs her backpack from the floor as she goes down the hallway.

“Nicely handled, Daddy C.”

“I like hearing you call me Daddy,” he growls.

“You do, huh?”

“Yeah. Say it again,” he demands, looming over me from behind the couch, staring down at me with lust in his eyes.

“Then kiss me, big Daddy,” I tease.

His mouth comes down on mine in an upside down kiss. The smell of the brownies burning in the oven breaks the moment up and we both dart to the kitchen to see if we can salvage what’s in the pan. We made them thinking we might need chocolate to ease Sophia into the idea of us all living together, but she took it so much better than I thought, and the brownies aren’t needed at all.

Chapter 39


I’ just finishing with my back piece, the mark that says I’m an official member of the club. Fuck yeah this feels right, finally. Tonight, we’re havin’ a party to celebrate getting my cut. To say I’m excited would make me a pussy, but I can’t help feelin’ that way. Cruiz is gonna stay home tonight with Nikki and Sophia to have a chat with her. Tomorrow is my night with Nikki and the kid to have the same chat. See how she’ll deal with how our life is gonna be.

Hope that kid don’t have no issues. I’m not her dad but can’t stand back talking shit kids that make their step-dads lives a living hell. Sophia’s a good kid so I got hope it’ll work out.

“Any idea what club name you’re gonna get given?” Ink asks as he finishes up.

“Nope, they keep tossing a bunch of bullshit out right now, can’t seem to figure it out. Apparently, I’m fucked up so nothing is stickin’ yet.” When word got back to Happy about how I murdered Susan he was shocked, he looked right at me and said, “And here I thought you were the saner one in the club”. Made me feel proud as fuck.

“Should just do what Cruiz did, go by last your name. He was gonna be Cleaner, but everyone thought was that seriously stupid as fuck, so yeah.” Thinking that may be a good idea, and now has me wondering what Nikki’s last name is gonna be. Will she take both ours or just his? Will she try to make me a bitch and change mine to theirs? Fuck that. Looks like we’ll have to chat about that tomorrow too. She might legally be marrying Cruiz, but she’s not taking only his last name. No way in hell, not when she’s my woman too.

Only thing I got left to be nervous about now is how the fuck we gonna tell Happy about our little family, and if he’ll be okay with it.

Hopefully tonight at the party, Nikki won’t be too mad, I know we said only on the road fuckin’ with others, but I ain’t keeping my cock in my pants tonight. This is my mother fuckin’ party, and I’m not missing out on the bitches that have been dying to slide on me since I started prospecting.

Ink finishes me up and slathers gel on my back and covers it with a bandage to heal. Can’t chance the shit getting infected. I pop a few painkillers and toss some money on the counter before heading out.

Pulling into the clubhouse lot, I notice the party is already in full swing. It’s early as shit but doesn’t seem to faze anyone. Just means more time to drink and fuck, and I’m more than okay with that.

A text beeps and I pull my phone out of my cut. Don’t fuck it up tonight brother. Fuckin’ Cruiz, he knows exactly what I’ll be doin’ tonight, just not who. And if he thinks he’s gonna open his mouth to tell Nikki, he’s got another thing comin’. No bitch controls me, ever. Nikki might be with both Cruiz and me, but the demand that we’re faithful to her and only her is some fucked up bullshit.

A loud shout of shut the fuck up, roars through the room as Happy stands in front of me, a grin on his face and a bitch hangin’ off his arm. “Tonight we celebrate this motherfucker right here earned his patch. To Grady!” Everyone roars in celebration along with him and he passes me the bitch on his arm. “This is Jenny, she’s gonna take good care of you tonight,” he tells me, shooting me a wink.

“Hey, handsome. Finally. Been eyein’ you for months waitin’ on you to get your cut so I could finally have that big fat cock.” Her hands roam down my pants and she gives me a tug. Fuck yeah, I smirk at her and crash my mouth to hers. I slide my hand up her thigh, rubbing her wet cunt. No panties, even better.

“Why don’t you get that top off so I can see those tits, so I know what I’ll be workin’ with tonight.” She bites her bottom lip and slowly pulls her top off while shimmying her hips. Fuckin’ beautiful tits. My cock strains in my jeans begging to be let out. Behind this bitch I see Juicy, the bitch I’ve been dying to be inside of since I started prospecting.

Tags: Glenna Maynard The Prospect Romance