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He shrugs. “You didn’t kill her. Nothing to be sorry for.”

“I suppose not.” I let out a nervous laugh under my breath and finally my name is called. We go into the exam room and find out that I am almost through my first trimester. Everything looks great with the baby and we might be able to find out the sex at our next appointment.

We were going to go out for lunch, but Grady got a call from the club and dropped me back home.

Chapter 37


“Just wait till I show you this place, baby. It’s fucking perfect. Three stories so Sophia can have a floor to herself if she wants.”

“Wow that was fast,” Nikki says on the other end of the line.

“I’m ready to be with you all the time. I paid my realtor extra to find us exactly what we want as quickly as possible and this is what he came up with. If I pick you up now, we can do a tour before he’s out for the day.” Grady and I talked about building something huge, but that would take too long, so the next best thing was found, and I don’t care how much cash I gotta sink into the place, plus it’s perfect for if we need to expand.

“Okay. Have you talked to Grady about it?”

“He’s on a run for Happy. He’ll be fine with whatever you want.” As long as the fucker has a place to lay his head he won’t mind. If it was left up to me, I’d put his ass in the garage or the basement.

“If you think he won’t mind then yeah. I’d love to see the place. Sophia has practice after school and is catching a ride home with one of our neighbors who is on her squad, so we have plenty of time.”

“Good. Feels like I never have a minute alone with you. See you in five.”

I drive my cage because I don’t want to risk having her on the back of my bike with her being pregnant. Stupid fucking Grady picked her up on his motorcycle the other day and I wanted to rip his head off for it and hers too. Gonna be putting my foot down about that shit. I pull up to get her and she is already waiting downstairs for me. I am still aggravated about her being on his bike and decide to tell her as much.

“Really don’t want you riding on Grady’s motorcycle until after the baby is born,” I growl at her.

“I know it was stupid. I wasn’t thinking. It won’t happen again.”

“Good. I won’t have you putting yourself in danger like that.”

“I don’t want to fight, Mateo. If this is how you’re going to be then we can do this some other time.”

“No. Said what I needed to say.” I bring her knuckles to my lips and kiss them.

The realtor had other plans but left a key in a combination box and gave me the code. The house is gated and fenced for privacy. Place belonged to some hot shot lawyer who went bankrupt and killed himself, but Nikki doesn’t need to know that. Well that’s the story everyone believes but I know what really happened to him because I was called in to stage the shit and cleanup. We get through the gate, and Nikki is already in love with the landscaping. It’s like a mansion tucked away in a private forest. The outside is done up in rocks and dark logs. Looks more like a resort than a house.

“This is just wow. Can we afford this?”

“Bank wants to unload it, so it is a steal really.” Even if it wasn’t a bank owned property, between Grady and I, we’re rich as fuck, easily can pay triple this without making a dent in our savings.

“I think I’m in love,” she whispers.

“Thought that was what you were supposed to say to me about me.” I chuckle and she laughs. I get the key out of the box and lead her inside.

“Holy shit,” she breathes out as we step into the foyer. There’s a huge rock fireplace at the bottom of a staircase that goes up from both sides.

“I know, baby, I know.” I take her on a tour of all three floors, saving the room I want to be ours for last.

“And this…” I kiss her neck. “Will be our room…” I plant my lips on hers and walk her backwards until the backs of her knees hit the bed.

“It’s perfect,” she murmurs as I part her mouth with my tongue.

“I’m glad you think so because I already signed the paperwork. It’s ours we can move in, in about two weeks once the check clears on the down payment.”

“You’re crazy.”

“Crazy for you.” I start peeling off her clothes. “Whatta ya say we break this place in good and proper, yeah?”

Tags: Glenna Maynard The Prospect Romance