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I scowl at her. “That sounds like a question.”


“Fine,” I growl at her and bring my mouth down on hers.

Liri pulls away. “If you don’t stop kissing me like that, we will never make it to the airport.”

A knock sounds on the guest room door. “You guys ready?” Liam presses.

“We’re coming,” Liri answers him.

“Not yet we’re not, but soon.” I smirk at her and she shakes her head. Last night we stayed up talking. As much as I wanted to crawl between her legs and remind her how good we are together, there was still a lot that needed to be said. Liri says she forgives me. I know I still have a lot of work to do on myself, but as long as she’s with me I can do anything.

“You’re so bad.”

“I know. That’s why you love me. I’m bad but only for you. C’mere.” I grab her hips. My fist is killing me, but I don’t care. I’ll worry about it later. Right now everything is as it should be. I’ve got my girl back, and I’m going to remind her every second of every single day that she’s perfect for me. I grab the handle of her bag and wheel it to the rental car. Hayley and Liri are saying their goodbyes to Bill. I shove Liri’

s bag in next to mine. I check the inner pocket one more time for her ring. I can’t wait to put it back on her finger.

I swipe the keys from Liam. “I’m driving, and Liri has shotgun. You two fuckers can put Hayley in the middle so you can both hold her hand.” I chuckle and Liam shoots me an icy glare. Woodrow mutters a curse under his breath.

“Bye, Dad. I love you,” Hayley says, and hugs him again.

“You kids be safe.”

I give him a nod. He narrows his eyes on me but gives me a chin lift. I don’t think he likes me much, but he needs to be more concerned with the two fools climbing in the backseat on either side of his daughter.

Everyone gets their seatbelts on, and I drive us to the airport to check in for our flight to Las Vegas. The flight itself isn’t long. It’s all the hoopla at the airport that takes forever. Liri and I sit together, and Hayley is stuck in the middle of Liam and Woodrow again, but she doesn’t seem to mind having two idiots fighting for her attention.

“Do Dillan and Noelle know that we’re coming?”

“Don’t worry about a thing. It’s all taken care of.”

“What do you mean?”

“What’d I tell you about all these questions. Hmmm? You’re over the quota.”

“Stop. I can’t help it.”

“I know you can’t, baby.”

“I’ve missed hearing you call me baby.”

“You’ll never have to miss anything about me again,” I promise, and I mean it. There is nothing I won’t do to prove to her that she’s it for me. I can’t stop staring at her. Liri is having my baby. I never thought the idea of a child could make me smile, but I’m deliriously happy at the thought of a piece of her and a piece of me existing in this world. It scares the shit out of me, but I know there is no one else I’d want to experience life with. No one else I want to make babies with.

Tilting her chin up, I press my lips to hers for a quick peck. “I can’t wait to give you my name and claim your body for the first time as my wife.”

“Killian…” She fidgets, glancing around blushing, wondering if anyone can hear the dirty things I’m whispering in her ear.

“I’m going to claim every fuckin’ inch of your body, baby. There won’t be one spot on your skin that won’t be marked by my love for you. I’m going to take you in every position. They’re going to throw us out of the city you’ll be screaming my name so loud.”

My girl purses her lips. “You’ll be doing the screaming.”

“I’m down with that.”

“Good.” Liri grabs me by the collar of my t-shirt and presses those sweet lips to mine.

I know I’m a lucky man. Everyone will say that we’re too young. That we will never make it, but I’m going to enjoy proving them all wrong. Liri Hart is in my heart and in my veins. I can’t escape it, and neither can she.

Tags: Glenna Maynard Cruel Love Erotic