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“You think so?”

“Know it.”

“Okay. What do you see when you look at me?”

James studies me closely, staring so intently I’m certain he sees straight to my soul. “You’re scared. A bit lost, but you’re also resilient.” A shiver passes through me.

“How’d you get the name Murder?”

“It’s a secret.”

I roll my eyes and the corners of his mouth twitches. “There’s that fire.”


“Nuttin’. You really want to know how I earned my name?”

“Tell me,” I demand, snuggling deeper into his side.

“Fuck. I tell you this it stays between us. Yeah? I know your secret and you’ll know mine.”

I yawn. “Sounds fair enough.”

“Right.” He chuckles and the sound warms me to the core. He has this deep raspy laugh. One that sounds like he’s smoked too many cigarettes or like a cowboy in one of the old westerns my father watches all the time.

“I killed a man.”


“And what?”

“Where’s the rest of the story?”

His cell phone goes off, and he slides his arm from around me. “Another time. Get some sleep. In the morning we’re going for a ride.” James rolls over me and off the bed, going to his feet as he answers the call. “Lo. Where the fuck have you been?”

I stare at his back taking in the Royal Bastards MC insignia covering most of his skin. He’s a beautiful man. Ruthie doesn’t deserve him. I don’t either, but I want him.

Chapter Five

I peek in at Alexa one more time. She finally conked out a few hours ago. I haven’t slept a fuckin’ wink. Got feelers out for that spineless piece of shit. He touched the wrong girl. Alexa doesn’t have anyone to stand up for her so it’s up to me. Shit I shouldn’t be involved in but here I am. There’s something about her since the moment I first laid eyes on her. Something inside her called out to me. I keep trying to deny and fight this pull I have, but our paths have crossed and tangled. This girl has rooted herself deep in me.

For what purpose, that remains to be seen, but I can’t let this one go. If I’m being honest with myself, I need her as much as she needs me if not more. Been a long time since I’ve felt a connection with anyone. When I look at Ruthie all I see is regret and old wounds that I’m not sure can ever heal. Maybe if I help Alexa, I’ll right some of my wrongs. Be the man she needs in her life to get her out of this town. She stays here she’ll drown.

Three knocks in rapid succession tap on the front door. I peer out the blinds and see Slick on the porch with the shit I asked for. I open the front door and take the bags. “Anyone see you or ask any questions?”

“Nope. Got everything you asked for.”

“Ruthie and Ro?”

“Didn’t know I was there.”

“Good. Good. You find that weasel yet?”

“No, but I’m looking and being discreet just like you asked me to.”

“Appreciate it. Minute you tag his ass, I wanna know.

Bring him to the basement.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard Royal Bastards MC: Charleston, WV Romance