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“Victims?” Jordan Marie’s warning from minutes ago come back to me. Shit isn’t a rumor then.

“Yeah. Word going around bodies been turning up. All single women, strangled.” My mind flashes to the sick bastard wrapping his belt around Patience’s throat last night. “Wasn’t sure if it was him or not until I got wind of what went down last night. If he’s smart, he’ll move on, but knowing him a man like that, he won’t like that she got away.”

“You think she’s in danger?”

“I think I had better get a set of eyes on her.”


“You volunteering for the job?”

“I’ve got Gus this week.” That and I want her.

“I’ll put a prospect on it.”

“If he runs into trouble have him call me.”

“Keep your eyes peeled. That bastard been doing this for a while and not gotten caught. Was surprised he pulled that shit here.”

“Maybe he wants caught?”

“You been watching too many crime documentaries.”

“Wanted to be a detective when I was a kid if you can believe that shit.”

“You’d made a good one.”

“Yeah. I’m gonna pack up and ride out. Gott go get the boy. He has his first day tomorrow. I promised I’d take him.”


“Yup. He’s growing like a damn weed.”

“How’s Marcie holding up?”

“Has her good and bad days like the rest of us. But she’s keeping it together.”

“Bring little dude around one day this week. Chelle has these backpacks she puts together every year and hands out at ready fest, but we was out of town this year and hasn’t gotten a chance to drop them at the school.”

“Will do. Let me know if that prick shows up.”

“You’ll be the first to know,” Prez assures me. “You talk to Patience again find out what the name of that app she used is.” He shoots me a look that tells me he knows I want her. Fucking hell. I don’t have time to be playing protector. I just wanted my dick sucked.

I get my tent packed up and ride out. I head home to park my bike and grab a quick shower before driving my cage over to Marcie’s to pick up Gus. My mind is elsewhere though. It’s with Patience. Wondering what she’s doing. If she’s safe. Wanting to go claim that smart assed mouth. Have her on her knees begging me to get her off.


Shutting off my cage, I climb out and as soon as my feet hit the pavement Gus is running out the front door. “Look, Jag, I lost a tooth.” He opens his mouth wide and points to the gap.

“Did you get a visit from the Tooth Fairy?”

“I got five bucks.”

“Tell you what, man. You eat all your vegetables and I’ll give you another five.”


“You got your clothes ready?”

Tags: Glenna Maynard BRRMC Roadhouse Tales Erotic