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Letting out a sigh, I shove my boots back on and crawl out of the tent. Fuck me the sun shines in my eyes nearly blinding me. I go a few paces behind a nearby tree and empty my bladder. I feel fuckin’ rough. I need another six hours of shuteye and I didn’t even get fuckin’ laid. Pulling out my smokes, I stick one in my mouth and light up.

Jordan Marie comes out of Romeo’s tent that’s pitched next to mine.

She hands me a thermos. “Coffee. You look like you need it.”

“Appreciate it.”

“No problem. Heard what you did last night.”

“It was nothing.”

“Last girl he got ahold of wasn’t so lucky. Heard they found her in a ditch strangled.”

“Jesus,” I mutter.

“He won’t take that offense lying down. I’ve heard whispers in my bar before.” Jordan owns a bar a few hours north of here in the city.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Last thing I need is to worry about Choke going after Patience to finish what he started. I have enough shit on my plate. I take a big gulp of coffee and finish my cigarette as I walk to the cabin, passing under the big pine trees and enjoying the shade. Gotta love Kentucky weather. Cold at night hotter than hell as soon as the sun comes up.

I take the steps two at a time. The door opens as I step onto the porch of the log cabin. Romeo smirks at me. He’s in the kitchen. He pats his stomach. “Chelle cooked biscuits and gravy. If you hurry you might get a plate.”

“Give this back to Jordan.” I hand him the thermos.

“That woman. Thinks she’s everyone’s mother.” He chuckles.

“You got yourself a good one.”

“Yeah. Only took me fifty some odd years to find her.”

I grin and head inside. Rebel sits at the round robin egg blue table between the kitchen and living room. “Pull up a seat. Chelle will fix you a plate.”

His woman is already at the stove spooning gravy over a plate of biscuits. No sooner than my ass hits the chair she slides the plate in front of me followed by a mug of coffee.


“Don’t mention it.” She smiles and leaves the room.

Rebel snorts. “See all the women think you’re a goddamned hero. You didn’t crumble up bacon on my gravy, woman,” he bellows, looking toward the bedroom.

“Didn’t do anything special.” What would they think if they knew what I really wanted was to claim her mouth for myself? That all I wanted last night was to see her down on those knees begging for my cock.

“That’s not how I hear it but wanted you to know that fucker thinks of coming back around I’ll run his ass out of Kentucky. How’s the woman?”

“Dropped her home around three this morning out at the old Jackson farm.”

“Must be Andrew’s girl.”

“That’s what she said.”

“Her mother was quite the fine piece of tail back in the day.”

“Patience is pretty damn fine herself.”

“What’s a woman like that doing with Choke?” he asks as I dig into gravy smothered heaven.

Exactly. Woman like that should be with me. I finish chewing and swallow down a shot of coffee before answering. “Get this. Said she met him on some dating app.”

“Fuck. So that’s how he’s meeting his victims.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard BRRMC Roadhouse Tales Erotic