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Vegas finally shows his sorry ass and before we start moving the big stuff, I warn him. “Listen, no funny business with Cooter’s niece.”

Vegas shoots me a toothy grin. “She hot?”

“Fuck yeah she’s hot and of limits to your sorry ass,” I growl.

“Did Cooter say something?”

“No, motherfucker, I did. Now move your ass and help me pack this couch.”

“You get your period because you’re acting like a damn bitch.”

“Fuck off.” I snarl. We get the tan leather couch up the stairs and it’s a real pain in the ass to get through the narrow doorway. “Where do you want this?” I look to Camreigh.

“Against that wall.” She stops mid putting a stack of plates in the cabinet. Her shirt rides up showing off a sliver of her stomach.

Vegas nearly drops the couch and runs across the small room to introduce himself. Bastard better back off. He’s not getting anywhere near her. “Name’s Vegas. Fuck face here told me not to be talking to you, but I’m not a rude asshole like he is.” He shoots her a smile and grabs her hand to kiss her knuckles. A low growl vibrates from me. I don’t know what the hell my problem is or why I feel possessive over a bitch I fucked one time who didn’t even want to give me her name and who acts like the last thing on earth she wants is for anyone to know we’ve fucked.

“Come on. We still have the mattress and box spring to get and a trunk and dresser.”

“We’ll talk more later.” He winks at her and I smack the back of his head. The hell they will. “The fuck, man?”

“Just move your ass.”

Camreigh is looking at me funny and a knot forms in my chest. Is she remembering the night we spent together? Goddamn she has me feeling like some sort of pussy whipped bitch and its been months. I gotta say that sex since then hasn’t measured up at all. My dick hasn’t been the same since. I don’t know what the hell to do about it. I kept brushing shit off because I never thought I’d see her again but now she’s here.

I’ve never wanted an old lady and not sure that I ever will but there is something about her that makes my cock ache to be back inside her. Shit is usually the other way around. Bitches are usually chasing me down wanting more. She’s different. The way she is staring at me I don’t know if she hates me or wants to fuck my brains out again. I shove off from the counter and grab Vegas by the back of the neck and push him out the door.

We get down to the truck and I get in his face. “I told you. She’s. Off. Limits.”

“Damn. Why you all up on me? You fucking her or something?” He eyes me. “You already tapped that. Fuck. I knew you worked fast but I gotta hand it to you.” He holds his fist up for me to bump. “She turn you down?” He chuckles. “Don’t sweat it, man. Happens to the best of us. Not me but we’ll get you a whore later at the Roadhouse. You’ll forget all about her.”

“Let’s just get this shit moved. I’m ready for a drink and some pussy.” Only the pussy on my mind is upstairs. She may have been easy the first time, but I have a feeling now she’ll be anything but that.

We work quickly to get the bed up the stairs but have to nearly bend the mattress in half to get it through the doorway and down the tiny ass hallway. As soon as Vegas helps me situate the bed he jets, saying he has shit to do. I know what he’s doing—leaving me alone with Camreigh.

I’m not going to complain though she might protest. Maybe the sex wasn’t as good for her as it was for me. Nah, I know it was damn good.

I overhear Vegas turn down her invitation to stay for some pizza as thanks for helping. I wait a minute till he’s out the door then walk down the hall to the bathroom and wash my hands. Camreigh’s been busy unpacking things as fast as I brought them in. The place is starting to look like a home.

Back in the living room and kitchen area she is plopped down on the couch with her feet to the side of her rubbing her calves. I can tell she’s exhausted. It has been a long tiring day.

I take up the other end of the couch and pull her feet into my lap and start rubbing. She smiles at me and lets out a groan. “That feels amazing.”

Chapter 5


Sawyer fills the other end of the couch and starts rubbing my feet. His strong hands feel too good to turn down right now. I know I should put a stop to this. I don’t want to give him the wrong idea. I’m freaking out on the inside that he’s here. That I am seeing him again and that he

belongs to the same motorcycle club as my uncle. My cheeks heat up when I let out an embarrassing moan of appreciation. It’s just his touch feels amazing. I’m having his child and the man has no clue. I don’t know what to do. I don’t have to tell him today. I’m not showing yet. I don’t know anything about him, but maybe we can talk, and I can find out what kind of person he is and then make a choice.

“You okay?”

“Just tired.”

“No. You seem different. Got something on your mind?”

He’s too damn observant. I wasn’t expecting this. When I called Aunt Char, she told me to that she had a position at the bakery for me and a place to live rent free. I only have to pay my utilities. Seeing him again wasn’t part of the plan. “How would you know? No offense but you don’t even know me. We had sex within an hour of meeting each other. And you couldn’t get rid of me fast enough.”

Tags: Glenna Maynard BRRMC Roadhouse Tales Erotic